The 44th Pillsbury Bake-Off® Contest entry period ended in mid-April, and now it’s time for YOU to be the judge! For the first time in the contest’s 60-year history, you can help determine the 10 recipes among the final 100 that will compete for the $1 million grand prize! How does the You Be the […]
Archives for 2009
Custom stickers from Uprinting
I ordered my business cards from Uprinting a few days ago, and am anxiously waiting for them to arrive! The ordering process was painless, and even a little fun. Uprinting has a great design tool where you basically have free rein to add images and text wherever you want, or you can use one of […]
Free mp3 – Shakira’s new single
I just downloaded Shakira’s new single, She Wolf. I’m a huge fan of Shakira but the jury’s still out on this song. It’s… different. Not like anything she’s ever done before, but I think it’s growing on me. I could do without the panting and howling, though! If you’d like to listen to the song, […]
The day the music died…
Last Saturday, Independence Day, something I was very dependent on was abruptly taken away from me. My iPod touch. Sometime that afternoon, while waiting for the daytime fireworks to start at Mount Vernon, one of my girls threw an open bottle of water in my bag. Upside down. One of those mini 12-oz bottles with […]
Armani Exchange new Premium Denim
A|X Armani Exchange is accessible Armani, inspired by street-chic culture, fashionable dance music and everything that signifies freedom and personal style. Armani Exchange is the youthful label created by Italian designer and entrepreneur Giorgio Armani. Right now Armani Exchange has new Premium Denim starting at $98! Usually designer jeans retail for a lot more. Browsing […]
Tucks medicated products
This maybe TMI, but it’s a brand that I’m very thankful for, so when Mom Central invited me to tell you about Tucks products, I was happy to oblige. Tucks Medicated Pads were a lifesaver after I had my first baby. Not only did I have minor hemorrhoids, but I also had to heal from […]