A few days ago, I heard the doorbell ring. It was a package being delivered. Chiquito barked his head off, as usual. This time, though, he didn’t stop. He attacked the box, biting and growling at it. Once I saw who the sender was, I smiled.
It was Chiquito’s prize for winning the Hartz Angry Birds photo contest!!
Yum. Look at all that amazing stuff!
Yesterday – Valentine’s Day – the girls and I sorted everything in the box and made little packages for some of the pets in the neighborhood. There’s no way Chiquito could use all this stuff, and spreading a little love to our furry friends was a lot of fun!
This will be a great surprise then…I love the idea as well…
Nancy´s last blog post ..how to make your eyesight better
How fun and how nice that you all shared with the neighborhood pets!
Robyn Wright of RobynsOnlineWorld.com´s last blog post ..Chaotic Connections Board Game
What a wonderful package to receive. All the neighboorhood dogs appreciated it too, I’m sure.
I’ve never seen so many goodies in my life! LOL I wish I had more toys for my kitties. They keep losing them!
Seeing this made me laugh! Chiquito is so little and the prize is sooo BIG!
Ann Williams´s last blog post ..Debt Limit Explained–You Must Watch this Short Video
What a fantastic assortment of goodies! And you are too generous to share with the neighborhood pets! 🙂 The best thing that has happened to me so far this week was unexpectedly getting this morning off. I used the time to bake some food for my grandparents!
Becca´s last blog post ..The Woman in Black