Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of women in the United States. The first step to a healthy heart is maintaining a healthy weight and getting the nutrition women need in order to live a strong life and care for their families.
Sara Lee knows this, and has partnered with The Heart Truth Campaign to raise awareness of heart disease among women and encourage them to make heart healthy food choices every day. One of the best things a mom can do for her family is to take care of herself!
To support the campaign, Sara Lee Fresh Bakery is offering heart healthy sandwich recipes in the WomenHeart’s ALL HEART Family Cookbook and will contribute one dollar for every cookbook ordered up to $35,000 to the National Coalition for Women with Heart Disease.
If you’d like the chance to win one of two copies of this great cookbook, enter by filling out this entry form. The contest is open to all U.S. residents and ends Wednesday, April 15th.
Thank you!
Janet F’s last blog post..Cute Bunnies!
Like the book, thanks alot.
I entered my information on the form and thank-you for the great giveway.