I caught Maya watching Bolt on the iPad the other day… like this:
Apparently it’s “better upside down” and makes the movie “almost 3-D,” she said.
I guess that’s what happens when all the blood rushes to her head!
Product Reviews, Giveaways, and Personal Anecdotes
Do you know I still lay upside when I watch TV sometimes? I move all over in silly positions watching TV just like when I was a kid.
Robyn’s Online World´s last blog post ..Fat Blogging
Ok that is just adorable and you have an ipad? I am jealous! LOL Oh and BOLT .. that movie ROCKS!!!
Adorable…..and you know now that I “happen” to have an iPad, I will have to tell my 11 year old and I’m pretty sure he will NEED to try this. Lol
cathy´s last blog post ..Wordless Wednesday – What the Kids did While I was Away at BlogHer
Oh that’s awesome – too cute! I love her rationale too, makes sense to me. 🙂 Wish I had an iPad so my kids could try it out, lol. 😉
Deb – Mom of 3 Girls´s last blog post ..I heart New York
LOL Awesome! I could see my Emmalynn doing the same thing. 😀
Run DMT´s last blog post ..Emmalynn’s New Look
OMG! Too funny!
Okay, that is too freakin’ funny!!
Do you do Netflix on your iPad?
Sky´s last blog post ..Finally- My Take on BlogHer Part 1