It’s been a month now since our new playset was installed, but it feels like we’ve had it forever. Playing outside has become routine. We’re usually out there in our PJs, right after breakfast. Me, with my cup of coffee and New York Times, and my daughters, with nothing more than sleepy eyes and bountiful […]
Playmobil USA’s newest collections
I never had Playmobil toys as a kid, but fell in love with the brand when I saw their amazing pyramid, pictured to the right, at last year’s Time to Play Holiday Showcase. It’s huge, amazingly detailed, and has so many different features. The great thing is that the Egyptian playworld includes tons of add-ons, […]
Better family nutrition with Jamie Oliver and Disney
Because Disney recognizes the importance of eating and living healthy, they wanted to provide tips and advice on slashing sugar, cooking light, healthy recipes and more. That’s why the site has partnered with Jamie Oliver – America’s new healthy food champion – and has recently added brand new site content focused on living better […]
Tips on buying and storing fruits and veggies
Food safety is a big concern of mine, perhaps because I worked in the restaurant industry for many years. I’ll have all those rules and regulations ingrained in my brain forever! There’s nothing that bugs me more than seeing perfectly good produce go in the garbage because it’s been allowed to spoil. If you’re like […]
April 25th – Weekly Roundup
Going to the in-laws for lunch. Just relaxing for the rest of the day after that. What are you up to? If you’re a Gleek and a Madonna fan like me, you may get a kick out of this video: Do you have a giveaway to share? Link up below. If you’re reading this via […]
Play-Doh Poppin’ Movie Snacks
We have lots of Play-Doh. Tons. I love it because, well… you get a lot of play for a little dough. Hehe! The cans of Play-Doh compound are fairly cheap, and the play sets are also reasonably priced. I’ve reviewed the Burger Builder and Ice Cream Shoppe in the past, but we also have many […]