The Rubik’s Cube is celebrating its 30th birthday this year! In 1980, the Cube was introduced to America at a Hollywood event by Hungarian film star Zsa Zsa Gabor – the same year Ronald Reagan became president, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back raked in the biggest box office gross, Post-It Notes launched along with […]
A few months ago I had a huge problem with my daughter writing on EVERYTHING. She was constantly tagging things with her initial, a big M. No amount of time outs helped mitigate this behavior, so I realized that I had to redirect her attention onto something else (and hide the Sharpies behind lock and […]
Put on your best Chiquita face!
What is it about Chiquita’s blue label that people find so intriguing? Is it because Chiquita bananas were the first food many kids got to hold and eat all by themselves? Or do they secretly want to be Miss Chiquita, the world’s first face on a bunch of bananas? While most brands are hyper sensitive […]
The great debate: Over vs. Under
I find myself always being the one to finish off the roll of toilet paper. Always. I’d like to think the person that used the bathroom before me – usually my husband – was considerate enough to leave me a sheet or two, but I’m certain he’s actually just trying to avoid having to replace […]
I hear April is National Frog Month…
Blog ‘Spring Cleaning’ – Day 16
A huge thanks to Lindsay Dianne from The Urban Momtographer for the amazing comment she left on yesterday’s post (day 15). It totally made my day. That’s exactly why I take on projects like this. Today’s task is a writing assignment! I haven’t given you one of these in a while, right? Day 16: Solve […]