Last July I bought a Virgin Mobile iPhone 4S at Best Buy. Best. Purchase. Ever. I haven’t looked back! And it hasn’t left my sight ever since.
But, of course, like most people, I have a ton of old cell phones and a tangled mess of chargers and cables that are just sitting in a drawer, saved just in case my current phone poops out, or I lose it or break it or whatever the case may be. My ‘just-in-case’ phones. I’ve considered selling them, but that’s a lot of work for just a few bucks. Most of them probably just need to be recycled anyway.
Or so I thought! Out of curiosity I pulled up Best Buy’s Trade-In Estimator to see if any of these phones were worth anything… and I was pleasantly surprised to find out that I literally have $$$$ in that junk drawer! Did you even know that Best Buy offers trade in options for your old cell phones? And you have the potential to receive Best Buy gift cards in return?
And it’s so EASY! You can determine your phone’s reliability online first, and then visit your nearest Best Buy Mobile store to trade it in for a Best Buy gift card. You can then use this gift card towards a new phone – the lovely folks at Best Buy can quickly perform an upgrade check for you – or maybe get yourself some fun accessories for your current phone! I’d love (and desperately need!) one of those LifeProof cases.
If you’re looking to buy a new phone, Best Buy is the place! The staff is highly trained, yet non-commissioned, so they can help determine the right phone for you, as well as compare plans across the carriers. They can set up and activate your new phone, transfer your contacts and data and set you up with the complimentary Walk Out Working™ program. It’s awesome.
So, let me tell you – I was shocked to get $20 for 2 really old Samsung phones. By really old I mean, like 4 years old. That’s ancient in the tech world, right? I only regret not trading them in sooner… since you can get up to $200 back, depending on your phone’s current value. I had no idea they did this EVERYDAY!
I’m going to save my gift card and look for more electronics I can trade in, in the hopes of upgrading to the iPhone 5 eventually. I’ve got my eyes on my husband’s old iPhone – which is worth at least $115 at this point! – but he’s insisting on using it as his ‘backup’ iPod. Doh. I’m sure he’ll forget about it one of these days and it’ll just disappear… 😉
Click here to locate the nearest Best Buy Mobile store near you!
Disclaimer: The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free.
I thought my old phone was pretty worthless to begin with, and now I know it is. LOL. But was hoping to get a couple dollars.