This is a sponsored post, but all opinions are my own.
Parenting is hard! I can use all the advice I can get, so I try to read parenting books on a regular basis. The American Academy of Pediatrics has just released a new book, Raising Kids to Thrive: Balancing Love With Expectations and Protection With Trust, by best-selling author, pediatrician and resilience expert, Kenneth R. Ginsburg, MD, MS Ed, FAAP, that offers essential tips on fostering resilience in teens.
According to Dr. Ginsburg, “We harm kids when we suggest that to make it in this world they must be good at absolutely everything.” In order to thrive and live happy, successful lives, teens need parents to have unconditional love for them as well as expect their best effort, while also accepting “unevenness” – growth and not perfection from our children. He offers suggestions on how to apply these principles, while gently helping parents understand how they can meet the challenge of balancing unconditional love with high expectations for their children.
The author combines his extensive experience with insightful commentary from his daughters and over 500 adolescents. Quotes from these teens are scattered throughout the book, which also includes two chapters written by Dr. Ginsburg’s twin teenage daughters, Ilana and Talia. In my opinion, this is what sets this book apart from other parenting books. Listening to another child’s perspective really makes us think about how our own children may be feeling!
My favorite strategy that Dr. Ginsburg introduces in this book is that of lighthouse parenting. “We should be like lighthouses for our children; beacons of light on a stable shoreline from which they can safely navigate the world. We must make certain they don’t crash against the rocks, but trust they have the capacity to learn to ride the waves on their own,” he says. I find this metaphor to be eloquent and incredibly insightful.
This book definitely made me think about parenting in a different way and has made me more confident in my parenting skills. While my daughters are only 7 and 10 at the moment, it’s never too early to put some of these strategies into practice! I want to become that stable beacon they can turn to for guidance as they move closer and closer to adulthood.
Raising Kids to Thrive: Balancing Love With Expectations and Protection With Trust is now available at bookstores nationwide and online, and can also be purchased from, the award-winning AAP website for parents.
I love the term “lighthouse parenting.” This sounds like a great book!
Children are so precious. They are such a gift from God. We should be like Lighthouses for them.
Wonderfully said! They are definitely a gift from God. Sounds like a nice parenting tool.
My parenting thoughts are to teach my girls to try as hard as they can at the task at hand. If they don’t succeed then try harder next time but life goes on.
This sounds like a really great book! I love reading parenting type books. I will have to check it out!
Sounds like an amazing book, I think it’s great to teach the kids to work hard at what they love and they’ll surely find success at the end!
This looks like a great read, something I would definitely enjoy. Raising kids correctly is so hard these days.
Considering my son isn’t really the athletic type and is a talker but loves to draw, I don’t typically put in him the boy category. I try to play to his strengths instead of forcing him into a mold. I think it’s hard to be good at everything.
I think this book sounds very helpful. I have 3 kids so I love to find any help I can.
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Sounds like a positive message for children and adults. I can definitely see how this would benefit many families.
Look at all those gold stars he got on Amazon. People are loving his writing! I like the lighthouse theory!
This sounds like a very helpful book! I will have to check it out.