Menu planning is not my forte. I mean, I try. I really do make an honest attempt. I scan my grocery store’s ad, looking for sales, think up a few meals based on those items, look through the fridge and pantry to see what we need, and make a list. And… that lasts for about […]
I Love Avocados! [Twitter Party]
Avocados. Mmmmm. Join us this afternoon for a Twitter Party to talk all about your love for avocados! Come slice, dip, spread, eat and tweet with us at #iloveavocados! Playful, fun and all about your love for avocados, hearts will be aflutter during the celebration of this delicious fruit. We’ll talk avocados, football, food, parties & more! Plus, […]
Game day chili with… Maseca!
There are some pantry items that I always have on hand, and Maseca is one of them. Genuine Maseca Corn Flour by Andy Castro, on Flickr In the past I’ve written about tortillas, tamales, and corn cakes, but did you know Maseca is also great as a thickener in soups and stews? Move over cornstarch, […]
Ocean Spray Fruit Flavored Snacks
As a mom, I’m always on the lookout for a snack my kids will love and that I can feel good about giving them. It’s fun to shake up snack time with something new, like these Ocean Spray® Fruit Flavored Snacks. Available in two delicious varieties, Ocean Spray® Fruit Flavored Snacks are: Made with real […]
The new Dulce de Leche Cheerios
A few weeks ago we received a delicious package in the mail. A box of the new Dulce de Leche Cheerios! It just rolled out in stores this past week, so it was nice to get a special sneak peek (or in our case, sneak taste) before everyone else! With a hint of caramel flavor, […]
PlanAhead – a little goes a long way!
Last year, I tried to do everything online as far as keeping track of my family’s schedule and blog business goes. I synched my calendars with Google and switched important documents over to Google Docs. I even created a ridiculously detailed editorial calendar with the spreadsheet option. My intention was to be able to access […]