There are no words to describe the cuteness! (But I may be biased.)
Wordless Wednesday: A day in NYC
L-R: Riding the subway for the 1st time; Toys “R” Us ferris wheel; Times Square.
Wordless Wednesday: Dollhouse
To say this dollhouse is huge is an understatement. It took my sister and I hours to put together, but was all worth it as soon as Maya saw it. She was thrilled! It’s big enough for several of her friends to play with her. Maura gets it all to herself while Maya’s at school!
You – Really – Are Not a Gadget
A new book by tech writer Jaron Lanier is titled You Are Not a Gadget. Sometimes I think that’s worth remembering. The Internet has made our lives better in innumerable ways. But there is something to be said for disconnecting from the technology from time to time and reconnecting with the real world. I was […]
Back to School: Easing Separation Anxiety and a pedicure to boot!
It’s back to school time. In our house that means new sneakers and a sprinkling of tears (child and parent). Our two-year old started K2 this week. In addition to new teachers and classmates, this year brought another milestone, moving up to the “big boy” school building. While the school does its best to create […]