In Bolivia, November 1st is a holiday. It’s called Todos Santos, or All Saints Day. It’s a day to remember and celebrate the lives of those family members that have passed on. We lost my mother-in-law, Frida Pilar, just 4 months ago, so emotions are still raw. My father-in-law flew to Bolivia a few days […]
Photos from our Halloween festivities
Maya had no school yesterday or today due to teacher workdays… and I’m actually grateful! A 4-day weekend is just what we needed to recover from a fun Halloween and an emotional Dia de Todos los Santos (All Saints Day) yesterday. More on Todos Santos in another post. This one is all about Halloween! As […]
A haunted house in our own backyard
Maya’s almost at the end of her second month of Kindergarten. Going on eight tiring weeks of long, 7 hour days, but we’re finally getting into a routine! A couple of people have asked me if she even plays on the backyard playset anymore. The answer is simple… YES! It’s usually the first place she […]
My new running shoes
I’m running a 5K four weeks from today, and decided last week that it was about time to invest in a new pair of running shoes. I don’t take purchases like this lightly, so I did a lot of research before narrowing it down to three different styles/brands… Nike, Puma, and New Balance. After weighing […]
I can’t believe it’s only a week until Halloween! This month has flown by. I haven’t even gotten any decorations down from the attic yet! Are you ready for Halloween? Jack looks like he’s calling out for help in this photo, doesn’t he? I wonder how long it took that little guy to finish him off. […]
Mission Accomplished
Photo courtesy of CNN (because I didn’t do a screen capture in time)