My brother and sister’s beagle, Marley… Spending this week with him almost makes me want to get a dog for the girls. Almost. Below the photo is a drawing of him I created using ArtStudio for iPad (it’s 80% off right now!)
Sleep, baby, sleep
I could watch her sleep all day…
A playset… it’s such an investment.
If I had a dollar for every time I heard this! My response? Yes, it is. 1) A backyard playset is an investment in your child. It stimulates their imagination. The girls love to pretend. One day the playset is a pirate ship. Maya made her sister “walk the plank” by going down the slide, […]
a prayer request {update}
Update, 5/11/2010: My grandpa passed away this morning. I was able to talk to him twice over the weekend, brief moments which I will never forget. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers here and on Twitter. I appreciate it. Now I need to get to Texas for the funeral… wish I didn’t live […]
I won a Butterfly Canopy from Discovery Channel a couple of weeks ago, ordered some caterpillars from Insect Lore, and my daughters are having so much fun with it! (Me, too!) It’s amazing how much these little guys poop… Maya has started calling them ‘caterpoopers’ LOL!
10 Tips for Donating to Charity without Spending a Dime
Most people think that the only way to contribute to your community is by giving money to a charity, but this is just because many aren’t aware that a contribution can go beyond a direct donation! Give an old cell phone back. Americans replace their cell phone once every 2 years, at the very least. […]