You’re fat. That’s what my 5-year-old daughter told me tonight, as I was putting her to bed. ouch She realized what she said may have hurt my feelings, and quickly corrected herself. Well, you’re not fat, you just have a big body. Um… okay… thanks… I guess? This broke my heart. I just don’t even […]
Hello Kitty PJs
Yesterday I wrote about how we go outside and play early in the morning, still in our PJs… This is one of those moments! 🙂
Our Backyard Discovery playset is part of our home now
It’s been a month now since our new playset was installed, but it feels like we’ve had it forever. Playing outside has become routine. We’re usually out there in our PJs, right after breakfast. Me, with my cup of coffee and New York Times, and my daughters, with nothing more than sleepy eyes and bountiful […]
Photo-editing fun
I’ve probably spent more $ in the iTunes store in the past 2 weeks than I did in the entire 2 years that I owned my iPod touch. There are just so many cool apps! I’m especially fond of photo-editing on the iPad… below are some photos and the apps that I used to modify […]
I hear April is National Frog Month…
Blog ‘Spring Cleaning’ – Day 16
A huge thanks to Lindsay Dianne from The Urban Momtographer for the amazing comment she left on yesterday’s post (day 15). It totally made my day. That’s exactly why I take on projects like this. Today’s task is a writing assignment! I haven’t given you one of these in a while, right? Day 16: Solve […]