How do kids know just what to do with a baby doll? Or a baby horse in this case… This is My Little Pony So Soft Sleep & Twinkle Starsong.
The Golden Inn in Avalon, NJ
The Friday after Thanksgiving, we packed a couple of bags and made our way to the Jersey Shore for a fun-filled weekend at the Golden Inn Hotel & Resort. Elizabeth, the Party Planning Professor, invited us – along with several other bloggers and their families – to experience what the Golden Inn and the city […]
I love it when a delivery man comes knocking at my door…
Especially when it’s not something I’m expecting! That was the case earlier this afternoon, when I opened the door to a stack of boxes almost as tall as the Fedex guy himself. Not sure what to think, I noticed one of the smaller packages had “Safety 1st” imprinted on the side. Could it be…? Had […]
I’m not lazy, I promise! Our wireless router decided to stop cooperating yesterday. I tried to sit at my 5-year-old’s desk to use the computer today, but it just wasn’t working out. My back didn’t appreciate it. Hubby ran over and bought a new router after work, and here I am! 🙂 About a month […]
There’s something about coloring that relaxes me…
And now I don’t have to borrow my 5-year-old’s coloring books anymore! (She doesn’t like it when I do.) Look at what I created with Crayola’s ‘Lights, Camera, Color!’ application: I think I might include some coloring pages – or maybe even make a little coloring book – with some of the holiday cookies we give […]
You’ll have to come back later to read about what the girls are eating in these photos… and why it’s so fascinating!