I won a Butterfly Canopy from Discovery Channel a couple of weeks ago, ordered some caterpillars from Insect Lore, and my daughters are having so much fun with it! (Me, too!)
It’s amazing how much these little guys poop…
Maya has started calling them ‘caterpoopers’ LOL!
LOL Caterpoopers! Too funny!
We’re doing this too! We started with 10 caterpillars and 2 have turned into butterflies so far. I think it is so cool! I always knew, obviously, that caterpillars turn into butterflies but it is still amazing to watch.
.-= Kelly from Kelly’s Lucky You´s last blog ..Free-bee – Corn and Camis =-.
Caterpoopers?! I love that. That Maya is too adorable!! What a fun project, though….my boys both had a teacher in elementary school that did a caterpillar project with the students every year. So cool to watch the transformation!!
.-= Cathy´s last blog ..Staying Green While on the Run! =-.