What is it about Chiquita’s blue label that people find so intriguing? Is it because Chiquita bananas were the first food many kids got to hold and eat all by themselves? Or do they secretly want to be Miss Chiquita, the world’s first face on a bunch of bananas?
While most brands are hyper sensitive about brand image and have very strict guidelines on proper usage, the folks over at Chiquita Brands have an altogether different point of view when it comes to their beloved logo – that famous blue sticker that has adorned countless numbers of the world’s bananas for nearly 50 years.
The company created www.EatAChiquita.com, the award winning site that allows consumers to create their own Chiquita sticker “faces” based on the iconic blue Chiquita sticker. Since the site went live a few months ago, almost 500,000 people have visited and upwards of 25,000 different Chiquita sticker faces have been created and are available on the site. The company just launched Shop A Peel by Chiquita, a place where diehard Chiquita fans can go to customize a wide range of items from t-shirts and mouse pads, to postage stamps and skateboards, with their personalized sticker faces.
Chiquita has selected Zazzle.com to provide its custom gear shop to more than half a million fans. I was sent a Mr. Chimp t-shirt and love it! Definitely a unique design, and it’s a high-quality tee. The Shop A Peel store is closely linked to the www.EatAChiquita.com site, which also offers a fun Sticker Studio, Photo Customizer, Arcade, Cinema, Fruit Stand and a link to Chiquita’s Facebook fan page. In the Sticker Studio, you can create your own Chiquita sticker, save it, and then use it on a variety of Zazzle merchandise. My daughter and I came up with the design to the right. It’s pretty neat. Visit www.EatAChiquita.com and www.Zazzle.com/ShopAPeel to learn more!
Would you like to win a t-shirt just like mine, pictured to the right? To enter, please leave a comment below. Go bananas!
For extra entries:
- Subscribe to my feed by feed reader or email (or let me know if you already do).
- Follow me on Twitter (@OhMariana) and tweet about this giveaway (one time): Go bananas! Win a fun Chiquita tee – https://tinyurl.com/y6btlp2 #RWNH (pls RT)
- Link to me in your sidebar or blog roll. Feel free to grab my button (at the bottom of the page).
I was provided with a complimentary t-shirt, pictured above, for sharing this information. T-shirt size is up to the sponsor, but I believe the prize will be a Medium. Contest ends April 25th, 2010 11:59 pm EST. US entries only. One person per household may enter. Leave a separate comment for each entry & a valid email address. Winner, chosen at random, has 3 days to claim their prize.
A screenshot of the Shop A Peel store:
Scroll down to the bottom of the page for a list of all my latest giveaways!
This is a cute design!
Email subscriber.
looks like a very cool tee I would love to win one
feed subscriber
.-= angi´s last blog ..Bret Michaels in hospital =-.
i’d love this for my mom who HAS to eat a banana every day
rss subscriber
I love bananas, chimpanzees, and t-shirts. This is the contest for me!
so cute! Monkeys are my 2 year olds favorite animal. He’d get a kick out of this tee! 🙂
I subscribe to you via email!
Cute tee!
Email subscriber.
I would love to win this cute shirt!
I would like a chance to win this shirt!
I follow on twitter and tweeted.
I love this shirt!
Following @ohMariana on Twitter and Tweeted
This shirt is adorable! I eat a banana every day so I think I need this.
I love Chiquita bananas and would love to win a t-shirt just like yours 🙂 *Thanks* for the giveaway!
Already subscribed to Riding With No Hands in reader
The Riding With No Hands button is in my Blogroll, Buttons O – S
These are so random but cute – I love it!
I am nowan email subscriber
.-= Emily´s last blog ..Personal post of random thoughts 🙂 =-.
How fun!
.-= Mama Zen´s last blog ..Review: The Life O’Reilly =-.
very cute shirt.
That is so cute!
All the tees at this store are cute.
I subscribe via email.
I love bananas and you never can have enough t-shirts
What did one banana say to the other? You are really appealing.
My son would love this shirt.
I am a email subscriber.
Too cute!
how cute i want to win one
.-= Lynn Matthews´s last blog ..Two of a kind, working on a full house: Splash Away With The Little Tikes Anchors Away Pirate Ship Water Play Table Review And Giveaway =-.
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.-= Lynn Matthews´s last blog ..Two of a kind, working on a full house: Splash Away With The Little Tikes Anchors Away Pirate Ship Water Play Table Review And Giveaway =-.
.-= Lynn Matthews´s last blog ..Two of a kind, working on a full house: Splash Away With The Little Tikes Anchors Away Pirate Ship Water Play Table Review And Giveaway =-.
your button is here
How cute! love them all.
Cute cute shirt, would love to win this. I LOVE BANANAS!! Tammy gordonfan@embarqmail.com
I subscribed via email. Thanks, Tammy gordonfan@embarqmail.com
I love this shirt! Super cute.
Thanks for the chance.
I love bananas
My husband sooo needs one of these Bananas are his favorite!!!
My family is bananas for Chiquita bananas. I have 3 children 7, 5 and 2. When we are at the market the kids take the stickers from the bananas and wear them around, all the time singing the Chiquita banana song. Such fun, everyone enjoys seeing this.
Ha! That’s great!
.-= Katie´s last blog ..Stuff. =-.
I want one!
I am an email subscriber
What a fun idea! This might make a great fathers day gift.
I love these shirts! They’re sooooo fruity!
I’d love a t-shirt just like yours.
So cute, thanks for the chance! Woo, bananas!
cute tee
ha! I want one! thats awesome!
Bananas are perfect!
Love bananas
That shirt is so cute! I would love to win. Bananas are my sons favorite fruit 🙂
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What a silly and fun shirt!!! Love it!
.-= blueviolet´s last blog ..Saturday Giveaway Parade 4/24 =-.
You’re in my text blog roll.
.-= blueviolet´s last blog ..Saturday Giveaway Parade 4/24 =-.
Email subscriber!
.-= blueviolet´s last blog ..Saturday Giveaway Parade 4/24 =-.
I collect banana stickers, so this would be great to win.
I like that shirt thanks for the chance!
.-= Heidi V.´s last blog ..Azula Giveaway – Ends – 05-12-2010 =-.
Tweeted/Following – https://twitter.com/HeidiVargas/status/12770503490
.-= Heidi V.´s last blog ..Azula Giveaway – Ends – 05-12-2010 =-.
It would be fun to win this!
Cool shirts! Please include me.
Banana fanna fo fanna
Fee Fi Bo Banna:
I LOVE these shirts!
Very cool!!! Would love to have one of these.
What a fun shirt–Go Bananas, too.
How cute! Thanks for a great contest.
This is so cute! Thanks for the great giveaway.
email subscriber
very cute shirt!
Yum! I love bananas…nice shirt!
Go Bananas! Lol
I subscribe through Google reader.
Love that shirt!
I want a Mr Chimp shirt!!! I’m sure my bf and I will fight over who gets to wear it!! LOL thanks!
I would love this for my niece. She would love to Go Bananas!
Going ape for that shirt:-) Cute face on it
Okay, that shirt is crazy cute!
The Tee is really cute. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.
I just became a subscriber. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway
How cute!!
.-= Gina´s last blog ..Small Talk Six: My Morning Routine in 6 steps… =-.
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.-= Gina´s last blog ..Small Talk Six: My Morning Routine in 6 steps… =-.
Button is in my blogroll https://wrestlingaddictedmommy.com/blogroll/
.-= Gina´s last blog ..Small Talk Six: My Morning Routine in 6 steps… =-.
I follow on Twitter and made a tweet: https://twitter.com/wrestlingaddict/status/12825884564
.-= Gina´s last blog ..Small Talk Six: My Morning Routine in 6 steps… =-.
I love bananas….cool shirt
sibabe64 at ptd dot net
email subscriber
sibabe64 at ptd dot net
Go Bananas 🙂 we are Chiquita fans
email subscriber
the tee is great,would love it!
subscribe by email
I wanna shirt just like yours, we love chiquita!
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I’m following you via twitter and I tweeted
so cute thanks for the chance to win
i subscribe
These shirts are cute. I would love to win one.
Thank you for the Great giveaway please count me in that is so cute 🙂
Orange you glad Im entering this giveaway?! …I couldn’t think of any good banana jokes.
Please enter me into the contest. Thanks!
I subscribed by email.