I’m a member of the ARM & HAMMER Influencer Network and received complimentary product samples to facilitate my review, as well as compensation for my time, but all opinions are my own, as I’ve been a loyal ARM & HAMMER user for years.
One aspect of the cold weather that I don’t like is the dry air. With temps going down into the twenties much of the time, the heater is constantly running, and when I step outside, the cold air is so HARSH! Don’t even get me started on how often I’m shocking myself…
I find my nose and throat are always dry at this time of year. Did you know that a dry nose is more vulnerable to colds and the flu virus? This is because there’s not as much wet mucus in there to catch the icky germs you breathe in. What’s more, having the heat on all the time carries all the dust and allergens through the air and throughout your home! Which leads to even more irritation to your sinuses. We use a humidifier in every bedroom, but I find that for some of us, that isn’t enough.
Unlike my husband, who pops a pain killer for everything and anything, I rarely take medicine. While I’m not opposed to using medication when necessary, I definitely prefer to use natural products if possible! For me, it’s about being comfortable. I find that making myself feel good usually soothes whatever ails me. It may be using a heating pad to ease the pain of menstrual cramps, taking a steamy shower to clear my stuffy nose, or sipping on hot tea when my throat hurts… I try to always go the natural route before I open the medicine cabinet.
Against my better judgement, my husband likes to use a nasal spray with a topical decongestant in it when he’s stuffed up. He says it’s the only way he can sleep at night. The warning on the bottle says to not use it for “more than 3 days” but sometimes he’s used it more. I’ve read that it can become addictive and that freaks me out a little bit. Addicted to a nasal spray? Ugh!
This is why I was happy to learn about ARM & HAMMER™ Simply Saline™ Nasal Relief… it’s a drug-free comforting mist that helps clear congestion and soothes dryness associated with colds and allergies. I threw out my husband’s other little bottle, and this now sits on his nightstand:
Of course he was skeptical at first. He doesn’t like change. But he’s been using it for a couple of weeks with no complaints. I think he might even be snoring less (or I’m just sleeping through it).
Take a look at the ingredients: purified water and sodium chloride – also known as salt. No contents (or drugs!) I can’t pronounce, plus it has no side effects and is non-addicting, so it can be used as often as needed… yay! And if you’re really sick, because Simply Saline doesn’t contain any drugs, it can be used in combination with other medicines for faster relief.
How does it work? You can flush and irrigate your nasal passages, which you’d have to do over the sink or in the shower, or just moisturize with a quick spray before bed. Easy peasy. And it’s available in three convenient sizes, so everyone in the family can have their own dispenser, depending on their needs, as I don’t recommend sharing (it could spread infection!)
Why am I paying for… salt water? Well, I’d say the little container it comes in is worth the price. It provides a gentle mist, with the attached adaptable nozzle, and the contents remain sterile throughout its use. You can’t say this about a neti pot or similar nasal rinsing devices… which can be dangerous if not cleaned properly!
We’ll continue to use ARM & HAMMER™ Simply Saline™ Nasal Relief throughout the winter and into the spring allergy season.
Simplify and Save with ARM & HAMMER
When you think of ARM & HAMMER™, you usually think of the little yellow box of baking soda. While that is probably my favorite product, it’s just one of many great things the company makes.
Visit ARM & HAMMER’s website to learn more about Simply Saline Nasal Relief and other ARM & HAMMER products, including where to find them. Be sure to sign up for the ARM & HAMMER Savings Center to get coupons and connect on Facebook at facebook.com/armandhammer.
YOUR TURN: When it comes to cold and flu season, how do you simplify and save?
Let’s end the year with a BANG!
Fill out the Rafflecopter widget below to enter to win:
- (1) ARM & HAMMER ‘Seasonal Savings’ gift pack
2 to 3 ARM & HAMMER products**, which may include: ARM & HAMMER™ Sensitive toothpaste, Spinbrush: ProClean Sonic, Tooth Tunes™, ARM & HAMMER™ Ultra Power 4X Liquid Laundry Detergent, ARM & HAMMER™ Baking Soda, ARM & HAMMER™ Simply Saline™ Nasal Relief, and/or ARM & HAMMER™ Double Duty Clumping Litter
- 1 $100 Visa Gift Card for purchasing more ARM & HAMMER products
**Disclaimer: NOT all products pictured will be included in the giveaway. 2-3 products featured in the giveaway picture will be provided to winner based on product availability.**
When I’m congested, I boil a pot of water and inhale the steam to clear up my sinuses.
If I have a sore throat I always gargle with warm water & salt, lots of water and vitamin C. Ginger tea is also good when I have a cold
I drink hot tea with honey and lemon. Also, homemade chicken soup always makes me feel better!
I use saline spray for nasal congestion and hot tea with honey for sore throat
I drink natural teas with lemon and honey. I will also take a warm shower and let the steam help my sinuses!
We usually start off with honey/lemon concoction but using water, because my youngest daughter doesn’t drink tea
i gargle with salt water, drink green tea, use loads of nasal spray if I can’t breath 🙂
Hot tea with honey, chicken soup, and rest!
I drink warm tea with honey and lemon, drink lots of water and dose up on vitamin C
a steam treatment
I drink hot tea with lemon and take vitamins
lot of tea with honey 🙂
Commented on post:
I have a cold now and I have been using hot tea with honey and lemon. It helps a lot!!
I take vitamin c daily. If I have a cold coming on I start drinking hot tea and take coldeez
i would say chicken soup
I stick to hot teas
I use hot tea with honey and lemon to help.
hot tea with honey… and hot showers
I love drinking hot tea with lemon!
I drink orange juice and take steamy showers.
Lots of rest, hot tea, and extra vitamin C.
Kari´s last blog post ..12 Pearls of Christmas: Day 12 – Robin Jones Gunn
I stay hydrated with water and get lots of rest.
Honey, tea toast and a good book curled up in my chair.
I swear by hot tea with honey, and chicken soup, of course.
I use tea with lemon!
Liza @ Views From the ‘Ville´s last blog post ..Slow Cooker Minestrone Recipe
I take a hot steamy shower. It seems to open up my sinuses.
Tea and Honey for a ore throat!
hot tea with honey for sore throat
We drink hot tea with honey, and gargle with salt water.
Thank you!
I drink hot tea and eat chicken noodle soup.
Cheryl F.´s last blog post ..2014 is going to be better
I eat lots of clementines, they have tons of vitamin c!
We like hot tea and honey at our house
honey for a sore throat
I use saline nasal drops daily, drink lots of fluids, get plenty of rest.
Rona B´s last blog post ..Happy New Year From BerryMorins Bits And Tips!
Chicken soup and tea w/ honey.
I sleep alot.
I keep fresh eucalyptus in my shower to help with opening up sinuses. I also do a lot of herbal tea and honey, or iced tea with ginger.
Drink a lot of water and try to stay away from extreme temperatures.
Thanks for the giveaway.
vitamin c and rest helps me!
For a sore throat I gargle with warm salt water and drink tea with honey.
Chicken noodle soup to help a cold. Peach syrup (heavy syrup, not the light stuff) to help calm a sick stomach, and we recently discovered that lemon juice (real lemon juice) about a tsp, a TBS of honey and 3/4 cup of water mixed together seriously helps relieve a cough! Thanks for the giveaway.
apple cider vinegar with honey is great for coughs and stuffy nose
I drink hot lemon honey tea, and I do a salt water gargle rinse
Thank you for the nice giveaway!
Hot water with honey.
pot of water and inhale the steam to clear up my sinuses.
hot tea helps
Hot shower, humidifier, warm jammies, water!
I take hot steamy showers to help relieve congestion.
Marj McClendon´s last blog post ..Silent Night!
First, I get my flu shot. Then I drink hot tea with lemon and honey.
I use saline sprays on my kids and drink lots of fluids
Saline solution to unstop nose congestion, steam to ease breathing., and lots of chicken soup!
I use a vaporizer and drink tea with honey.
a vaporizer n hot steam in bathroom… losts of rest n fluilds..
I try to stay hydrated by drinking lots of water to flush out my sinuses.
stay hydrated, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, and hash hands.
We drink plenty of fluids and use a humidifier. Plus we take vitamin C.
We use a nettipot. Is that natural? lol We also use honey for coughs.
I use a cough drop mixed in my tea and I gargle w/ salt water for a sore throat
I use hot tea and honey.
Get extra rest & sleep. Drink lots of water.
I use a vitamin c and echinacea supplement.
A drop of Thieves essential oil on my tongue each morning – thank you.
Lots of water and rest.
Saline sprays, lots of water, stay warm.
drinking hot tea!
we use a neti pot
gargling salt!
eating a whole clove of garlic.. does the trick every time.
Sleep. I don’t know how much it helps, but at least if I’m sleeping I don’t have to be dealing with feeling sick.
We like to drink hot tea with lemon and honey. Also, for congestion, we will cook with lots of pepper and hot sauce.
im a big fan of tea and honey!
Oh I guess I just let it runs its course…other than I do drink alot of hot tea to help!
lots of rest! and good eating
I drink hot tea with honey and lemon to help my sore throat and cough.
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
Drink lots of tea with honey, and make sure I get my vitamin C!
I take vitamin d daily , use a camphor rub on my chest (monkey balm usually), and try to eat well
Warm drinks, chicken soup or broth, and sleep~
I take Coconut oil, Oregano Oil, Vitamin C and sometimes use a Neti Pot.
Vitamin C, handwashing, drink lots of water.
I take a steam shower and use a humidifier.
Hot tea with honey and a steamy shower.
Wash hands a lot, hot tea, soup
chicken soup and hot tea
We use the neti pot.
i use the ancient pratice of oil pulling
Drink tea with lots of honey
I use lots of vitamin C and a netti pot
I like drinking tea with honey, and taking a hot eucalyptus bath!
I drink a blend of hot water, apple cider vinegar, honey and lemon
Drink plenty of liquids and get extra rest
Vaporizer and also vitamins
warm washcloths and soothing baths
Drink hot tea!
We use a humidifier and take in a lot of vitamin c.
I drink tea w/lemon and local honey and I make chicken noodle soup and put Italian spices in it.
I make and drink a lot of chicken soup
If I blow my nose too much, I dab petroleum jelly on the raw areas