I’ve wanted to switch to a more natural, green laundry detergent for a while now, but it’s always been so expensive, and since I use it often, just hasn’t been a luxury we could afford! Until now, that is…
Green Works is making it a little easier to save green, while going green! To help consumers make switching to green cleaners in the laundry room a no-brainer, they’ve permanently slashed the price of Green Works laundry detergent (the 45oz bottle) to $6.99 from $9.99 at retailers everywhere. That’s a 30% markdown, just in time to help combat summer-time laundry like beach towels, play clothes, etc.
I love holding up a bunch of freshly-done laundry to my nose and smelling… nothing. That’s my idea of clean. This is why I typically reach for fragrance-free detergents, so I was pleased with the Green Works Free & Clear laundry detergent. I’ve been using it for the past week. My grocery store only had this variety in stock, but it also comes in Original and Lavender scents.
Green Works laundry detergent is a “naturally derived” laundry detergent that is made with natural, plant-based cleaning ingredients. It’s made by Clorox, but is dermatologist tested and safe for sensitive skin. It’s also safe on colors, of course. 🙂 There’s not much more you can say about laundry detergent, is there? It left our clothes clean, comes in a small bottle, which I love, and now that the price has gone down, is much more affordable!
Available in 30-load and 60-load bottles, Green Works can be found at retailers nationwide. Click on Where to Buy to see if it’s available at a store near you.
Giveaway is closed. Winner has been contacted and listed here.
Win a summer’s supply of Green Works laundry detergent! That’s two bottles, for a total of 60 loads. To enter, please leave your favorite laundry tip in a comment.
For extra entries:
- Subscribe to my feed by feed reader or email (or let me know if you already do).
- Follow me on Twitter (@OhMariana) and tweet about this giveaway (one time): #Giveaway! Win a summer’s supply of Greenworks natural laundry detergent! https://ohsohungry.com/?p=10844 #RWNH
- Link to me in your sidebar or blog roll. Feel free to grab my button (at the bottom of the page).
I received coupons for two free bottles of Green Works laundry detergent. Green Works is also providing the giveaway prize. Contest ends July 20th, 2010 11:59 pm EST. US entries only, one person per household. Leave a separate comment per entry & a valid email address. Winner, chosen at random, has 3 days to claim their prize.
My laundry tip: put a clean, dry bath towel in the dryer when you transfer your wet laundry from the washer to the dryer to speed the drying time. I use a dark towel for dark loads, and a light blue towel for light loads (and, rarely, whites. I tend to think the whites need all the heat they can get in the dryer to kill more germs). I keep these folded on top of my dryer so they’re handy to toss in. Thanks for the giveaway!
Amy @ Cheeky Cocoa Beans´s last blog post ..And now he is ate
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Add 1/4 cup of salt to wash when washing colors to keep them from fading.
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My favorite tip is to pretreat stains before washing.
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My favoriet tip is to NOT run an item of clothing with a new stain on it through the dryer unless you want to set it in permanently (which hopefully, you don’t:)
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I just tweeted about this Green Works giveaway! https://twitter.com/navanavanava/status/18334575773
Hairspray will get ball point pen out of fabric! Thanks for the giveaway!
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I use white vinegar in the rinse. It gets outs smells, soap residue and is cheaper than fabric softener.
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I use Spray and wash immediately before the item goes into the hamper. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.
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Pretreat stains as they happen and wash in cold water.
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Wow, I don’t have any great tips like everyone above me…the only thing that comes to mind is don’t forget that you have laundry in the washer! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to re-run the washer because I forgot about the laundry and it gets stinky!
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I add a bit of baking soda to the water for smelly items
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This is gross, but if you have blood on laundry, like from a skinned knee, you can spit on it to help get it out. The enzymes in saliva break up the blood. Thanks for the giveaway!
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My favorite laundry tip is using club soda as a stain remover.
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I Use egg whites to remove gum on clothing
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I keep multiple laundry baskets in our bedroom. When we undress we put different colors in the differnt colored baskets. That way I don’t have to sort laundry when I start. I can just go directly from the basket to the machine.
My favorite laundry tip is to use laundry boosters like to help get extra heavy stains out
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Pretreat stains when they go in the laundry basket!
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Run full loads…and put your wet clothes in the dryer ASAP when the wash is done so they don’t sit it there and get smelly
Keep white vinegar in a spray bottle to use on stains
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My fave laundry tip is to use cold water. Works as well as warm and you use less energy warming the water. Also reduces shrinkage in clothing.
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my best tip is to get the kids to help. start them when they are young!!
I have no tips. I probably the worst laundry person ever. I have a terrible time getting my whites whiter, my colors brighter, and different stains out. I keep looking for the miracle detergent that can do it for me.
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My best laundry tip would be to treat stains immediately before they have time to set,even if its cold water an hand soap,get as much out as you can
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My best laundry tip is to do one load per day so that it doesn’t pile up and get out of control!
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My tip is to wash in cold water you save money! and also hang dry.
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This is probably something most people do BUT – I wash everything in cold (with the exception of sheets and towels). It keeps my clothes looking new, saves me money and never shrinks anything! 🙂
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My laundry tip is to pre-treat stains with Oxy and wash in warm-rinse in cold water. Gain is also awesome at getting stains out.
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My favorite laundry tip is to hang dry right out of the washer. Do not let it sit in the washer or clothes will wrinkle!
Always wash new clothes separately the first time in case they bleed.
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My favorite laundry tip is to always use cold water. It is better for the environment (because you are using less energy). It is much cheaper and will lower your bills, and the clothes come out just as clean.
i agree i use cold water a lot.its cheaper and better for the eco system
wash in cold mrs.mommyyatgmail
don’t let it pile up.
My favorite laundry tip would be I add Tide to go paks to my spouse’s work clothes seems to help..
pretreat your white tees
Cold water takes blood out, if treated quickly.
treat stains immediately! The longer they sit the harder they are to get out later. Still haven’t figured out how to get that art school “washable” paint out. Always leaves marks. Grrr!
tvollowitz at aol dot com
Sadly, I leave my laundry in the washer all the time, I get distracted alot! I have found just running it through the rinse cycle and adding a 1/2 cup of vinegar gets rid of the mildew smell!
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Watch adding bleach to colors. Uhmmm, found out the hard way that it can ruin all the clothes you are washing.
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Use a pretreater first.
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For Red Stains such as Koolaid Pour Rubbing Alcohol over stain before washing.
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Use a fresh scent to make your line drying even more fragrantly divine! 🙂
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My mom taught me to use cold water for most everything in order to cut down on power useage and to keep stains from setting in. I sometimes pre-treat those little splashes from food while dining (especially salad dressing) with a little bit of shampoo for oily hair on a swab.
My favorite laundry tip is to always check the pockets even if you think there is nothing in them.
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always pre-treat stains (immediately if you see them)
Hang your clothes on the line to dry
only use half a cap of detergent
my laundry tip is to start using the bounce bar, I love mine so much and I never have to toss in dryer sheets, I totally recommend them!
My laundry tip is to treat the stains with Shout as soon as possible.
I don’t like using bleach unless I have to. It seems to be harsh on clothing.
Best tip is to remove clothes from the dryer about halfway through the cycle, and hang to finish drying…..saves a LOT of money!
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To save lots of energy, wash clothes in cold water, and line dry if possible! Thank you!
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dry your clothes outside
I have 3 tubs-lights, darks and whites everyone puts their clothes in the right one-I wash in cold and during the summer hang out to dry
Construct a clothes line in your back yard and hang your laundry out to dry. Use only cold water in your washing machine.
Email subscriber to your excellent blog.
My favorite laundry tip is using washing soda and borax and grated Fels Naptha soap… I don’t even need softener!
We like to use Tide coldwater to save on our bills
Green is in! I have tried Greenworks all purpose cleaner but not the laundry detergent.
I recycle everything!
The trick to getting out stains is diligence. Being aware and wahing out as soon as possible. Dryers set the stain.
dry outside
I try to wash a full load of clothes at a time, use cold water, and hang dry what I can!
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https://twitter.com/barginmom/status/18813119569 My tweet.
my favorite laundry tip is more of a suggestion: I rarely put my clothes through the dryer, instead I hang them up to dry around my apartment. Not only do I save $1.25 on using a dryer, but the moisture from the drying clothes helps improve the humidity level in my house! (its very dry here)
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Don’t put it off! Laundry just continues to pile up!
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use warm water instead of hot and wipe down stains with detergent before hand.
The laundry tip I think of that my grandma taught me was to use cold water always to help conserve energy, something we all need to do!
Staying on top of laundry is my best bet – piling it up never works for me!
Ames´s last blog post ..Billy Graham- His Life and Influence by David Aikman
My best tip is to dry your clothes on a line to save energy.
I subscribe to your e-mail and my laundry tip is using Goo Gone on food/grease stains on clothing. It takes the stain right out.
My favorite tip is to hang clothes as soon as they’re out of the dryer to reduce the need to iron!
I have found that a cold water soak before washing helps get out chocolate and blood stains
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a little bit of vinegar can rplace fabric softener
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Add a quarter cup of baking soda for whiter whites.
Use liquid detergent to pretreat stains. It works so well. I rub a small amount into the stain and launder as usual.
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Use cold water and hang dry.
i wash everything except bed linens in cold water
ewhatley at embarqmail.com
If you wash everything in cold water, you don’t have to separate lights, darks, and colors.
My favorite laundry tip is to use cold water for every load. There is no need to use hot with the way detergents are formulated now. Thank you for the lovely giveaway.
sewmuchstuff at ymail dot com
Thank you for the lovely giveaway.
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My favorite laundry tip is to make your teenage kids do their own laundry. That will mean less laundry for you, and your kids will learn how to do it so they aren’t clueless when they move out.
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I add peroxide to my whites. It works WAY better than bleach and doesn’t hardly smell at all!
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Hang your laundry out to dry…the sun bleaches out stains on light clothes!
I wash my colored clothing in cold water to save energy and some cash!
I wash my colored clothing in cold water and follow manufacturer’s line level instead of filling it to the top like I used to.
I love to use cold water with all my wash, however, I do make exceptions for my husband’s whites.
Line dry in the summertime. It’s good for the environment and your wallet.
Have seperate laundry baskets for whites and colors. You won’t have to sort clothing before washing anymore.
My best tip is that you don’t always need detergent. It is agitation that cleans. I use detergent for my clothes that have stains, smells or is soiled.
tip- Only use 1/2 to 3/4 of the recommended laundry detergent it will clean just as well, I’ve found that out by trial and error.Save yourself come money
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Line dry.
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I line dry when the weather is nice and wash my clothes in cold water.
My favorite tip: cut your dryer sheets in half! Does the job just as well as a full sheet and saves money!!
My mom recently gave me a sample of Green Works detergent and I really liked it. Haven’t been to the store to see the cost, though, so it was nice to read in your review.
Thanks for the chance! mybabyblessings [at] gmail [dot] com
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use less detergent and cut the dryer sheets in half. everything last longer and smells just as good. if you try the arm and hammer laundry sheets you won’t need softner extra.
We cut our dryer sheets in half and our front loader works much better than a top loader. Your colse last longer
Use tennis balls in the dryer to help get the wrinkles out!
Always pretreat stains. It will save so much time with your laundry.
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When I have stubborn stains, I use both Shout and Zout on them, and let garment air dry after washing to make sure stain is gone before washing again. Sometimes the stains slowly disappear after the garment has been hanging for a week.
Just do it! Oh- and sort first!
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My laundry tip is this: don’t fall behind. I get so far behind that I’m literally drowning in laundry.
My best tip is to try to do a load every day so it doesn’t become overwhelming!
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i do not let the laundry get piled up, i do a load about once a day when i get a full loads worth
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I add vinegar to the rinse when washing my shower curtain liner to help keep it fresh.
Thanks for the giveaway…our favorite laundry tip is to pre-soak whenever possible, preferably overnight if time permits !
senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
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Dryer balls really help cut time thanks for the chance
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Use only cold water.
I use the fabric softener sheet to clean the lint out of the lint trap in the dryer. Thanks for the giveaway!
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hang your clothes outside to dry it saves time and money
Lights+ Darks, save money= less water.
Remember to empty the lint filter in the dryer.
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add vinegar to the rinse ty.