You’d think tourism into northern Mexico would be dead, but it took us hours to get our permits! Not here for pleasure, unfortunately. In fact, I haven’t even left the house, as I’ve been at my abuelita’s side since we arrived. Thank goodness for my iPad and painfully slow WiFi to take my mind off things.

There’s a lovely pond in front of The University of Texas’ tower. So pretty.
Chuy’s Tex-Mex. An Austin institution.
My mom gave me this vintage Cabbage Patch. Yes, I’m a big kid and she knows it. 😉
My brother bought 3 chicks at Callaghan’s General Store. Chicken soup in our future?
No, more like family pets. The girls are already getting attached…
Chiquito, our new dog, is trained to potty indoors… so I have to buy one of these for our house.
My little brother made cupcakes for the girls late one night. Cookies on another night.
I think he’s fattening ’em up…
Man, blogging on the iPad is a pain! Hope y’all have a great weekend! 😉