No, I didn’t fall off the face of the earth…
I’m still here!
It’s soooo hard to get back into blogging after not doing so for a while! I needed this week off (or was it 10 days?) to spend time with my kids and reflect on how I’m living my life.
Gone are the days when I tell my girls “hold on, I need to check my email!” I mean, really. Obviously there is no product pitch or blog comment more important than them, but I know there have been many times when I pull out my iPad during playtime or grab my phone at dinner. No more of that.
One of my resolutions for 2011 was to get more sleep and I was good with that for most of the year. I’d average 8 hours a night, sometimes a little more. In November I started going to bed late again, though… deadlines, projects, gift wrapping, baking… but oh my, have I been catching up on sleep these past couple of weeks! Just last night I slept for more than 11 hours. And it felt amazing. It may seem trivial, but I truly believe sleep is a debt that you cannot repay! As good as my intentions may be, I’m known to not follow through with my resolutions past, say… January 3rd… so this is a big deal to me. I plan to keep it up this year.
Learning to say no… I got really good at this last year, too. [patting myself on the back] The hardest move was to stop writing for other media outlets. While it meant less cash in my pocket, it also meant more free time. I also went to only one conference and declined a handful of blogger events so I could focus more on my kids and home life. It’s been worth it.
Now for the elephant in the room…
Every January I set out to lose weight. That’s just a given, as far as resolutions go. I lose steam within a couple of weeks, and then things pick up again in May, when it hits me that summer (and my birthday) is just around the corner. My birthday comes – I turn a year older – and, feeling sorry for myself, stuff my face with cake and ice cream. Same story every year for the past decade.
This year, I’m not going to resolve to lose weight. It’s going to happen naturally, as long as I stay on the Medifast plan and exercise often.
I’m not going to resolve to exercise everyday, because I know that’s not realistic. I’ll do so several times a week, penciling it in on my calendar.
I’m not going to resolve to be organized. I’ve realized that I don’t need to stress over the little things, like keeping the playroom tidy – what’s the point? – so as long as I keep my mental clutter under control, everything else will fall into place.
I hadn’t thought about it much, but from the looks of it, my resolutions seem to be:
- Sleep
- (Keep) Saying no
- Follow the Medifast plan
- Schedule my workouts
- Clear the mental clutter (vague much?)
I don’t think your resolutions are too vague–I think they are doable! Good luck!
I resolved to yell less and play more and so far I’ve been doing a fairly good job 🙂