Trying to eat healthy is such a struggle for me, especially when it comes to finding something convenient and easy to prepare! I often find myself buying frozen food for this same reason. Is what I’m eating healthy? Not always. But it’s nice to know I have options!
Along with a new look to their packaging, this year Healthy Choice introduced a new line of All Natural Entrées, which are filled with protein, whole grains, fiber and antioxidants to help promote heart and digestive health, all without preservatives, artificial flavors or colors. What’s more, the results of a new study were just released, that show that people who eat Healthy Choice products really do get healthier.
Leading cardiologist Dr. James Rippe, founder and director of the Rippe Lifestyle Institute, led the research team that conducted the 24-week study. Participants, on average, lost 18 pounds, trimmed their waistlines by 3 inches, and lowered their cholesterol by 12 points, all by combining a light exercise routine with healthier food choices, including one low-fat Healthy Choice meal per day.
After I heard about Dr. Rippe’s study and the new line of Healthy Choice meals, I decided to pick up a box of Sweet Asian Potstickers at the grocery store. There are 5 other All Natural Entrées to choose from, all but two of them vegetarian: Mediterranean Pasta, Pumpkin Squash Ravioli, Portabella Marsala Pasta, Portabella Spinach Parmesan and Tomato Basil Penne. I liked the potstickers quite a bit; I found them to be very tasty, satisfying my craving for Chinese food.
Healthy Choice is the only brand in its category that can call 100% of its products “healthy” as approved by the FDA, so it’s a brand that really lives up to its name! These meals make maintaining a healthy lifestyle and making smart eating choices easy. Visit to learn more and to print a money-saving coupon!
Thanks to Mom Central for the information on Dr. James Rippe’s study.