My daughter goes back to school next week. Finally. I feel like this has been the longest summer ever!
I have to admit I wasn’t too active in her classroom last year, her first year of elementary school. I had a in-home daycare thing going, so at the end of the day, I didn’t have much time (or energy) for anything else. I still have my youngest daughter at home, but no one else, so I’ll have more free time this year, and I am vowing to do more!
While I’ve made donations and purchased things from school fundraisers, I’ve been thinking about other ways that I can support her school. It’s no secret that with budget cuts, our children’s schools need parents more than ever, but writing check after check isn’t in our budget right now. All kinds of contributions are important, though. They don’t always have to be monetary. I just have to get creative!
What am I doing this year?
- I joined the PTA. Not only became a member, but I took a position as Bilingual Liaison, hoping to reach out to our Spanish-speaking community.
- I’m sharing my talents. My language skills translating for the PTA. My marketing skills for finding sponsors for future fundraisers. My baking skills making brownies for the school picnic. You get the picture. I got mad skills. 😉
- I’m helping in the classroom. I’m looking forward to chaperoning at least one of my daughter’s field trips. Hoping to make it in once or twice to read a book to the class. Walking the Diabetes walk along with Maya. Providing food and goodies for class parties. Obsessively cutting Box Tops. Whatever I can do to help.
Unfortunately siblings aren’t allowed on school property, so that significantly limits my volunteering during school hours. Next year, once both of my daughters are in school, I’m hoping to be much more involved! Don’t quote me on this… but I may even volunteer to be a Room Mom. 😉 If that doesn’t work out, I could always help in the library or be a classroom assistant once in a while.
I support my school… my way. How do you support yours?
I SUPPORT MY SCHOOL.. MY WAY! And I’m joining VolunteerSpot’s sponsored Back To School campaign to help raise visibility for parent involvement in schools.
Save time {and sanity} and get more parents involved at school with!
VolunteerSpot’s FREE online signup sheets make it easy to organize parents and signup to help for just about anything: classroom helpers, snack schedules, carnivals, library volunteers, parent-teacher conferences and more…. No more ‘Reply-All’ email chains or clipboard sign up sheets! Please share with your room mom, teachers and parent leaders…
Mariana – You’ve got mad skills!! Thanks for the inspiration and for joining our My School My Way campaign!! Your school (and kids) are lucky to have you!!