I’m helping spreading the word about the importance of early detection during Breast Cancer Awareness Month via this sponsored post for SheSpeaks and P&G.
We all know someone that’s been affected by breast cancer, whether it’s a family member, a neighbor, good friend, or a friend of a friend. One in eight women will get breast cancer in her lifetime. One in eight.
This definitely hits close to home for me. While breast cancer rates are lower among non-Caucasian women, death rates are higher among African American and Latina women. In fact, every hour and a half a Latina woman dies of breast cancer in the United States. Scary!
There may not be a cure – yet – so early detection is the best defense. The earlier breast cancer is detected, the higher the survival rate. According to the National Cancer Institute,when detected during the early (localized) stage – the five year survival rate for breast cancer is 98 percent.
This year, the P&G Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign has partnered with The National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) to not only educate women, but also the men in their lives, about the importance of early detection…
LADIES, you can help save lives by spreading the message that early detection is the best defense in the fight against breast cancer, and creating and following an early detection plan while encouraging others to do the same. And MEN, this October, decide when your “day of action” will be and encourage the women in your life to take action and create an early detection plan!
You can visit pgeveryday.com/bca to hear P&G employees’ inspiring stories about moments made possible in their lives due to early detection and also download the NBCF’s Early Detection Plan App, available throughout the month of October.
How is P&G involved? The 2013 P&G Breast Cancer Awareness campaign will help save lives by making a $500,000 donation to The National Breast Cancer Foundation. Since 2008, P&G has donated more than $2.1MM to the NBCF to help save lives through early detection awareness and education.
To enter to win a P&G gift basket valued at $50, filled with assorted P&G products from brands including Crest, Pantene, Secret, Scope, Swiffer and Venus, please fill out the Rafflecopter widget below. You can follow @PGeveryday on Twitter and at Facebook.com/PGeveryday.
Early detection is the best way to prevent the devastating effects of breast cancer.
The best defense against breast cancer is monthly checks.
Regular self exams!!
Early detection, monthly checks.
self exams, early detection!!!
Early detection
early detection
Self checks do not be scared to check for lumps!
Early detection/monthly self check
Early detection.
Regular self exams
Self exam and getting a check up now and then
Early detection is essential.
Getting checked every year & self exams will help.
The best defense is early detection!
Early detections. Also monthly self-exams and yearly mammograms
Regular self exams
self exams
Early detection is the best defense… get regular mammograms, do self checks monthly, know what is normal and abnormal for yourself.
Self exams and regular mammograms
Early detection and self exams.
Self breast exam monthly, Mammogram and educate yourself on the proper diet with foods that help prevent cancer
Early detection! jessicapeeling@yahoo.com
Monthly checks and early detection.
regular exams.
Putting knowledge to use (self-checks, exams, keeping up-to-date)
Regular exams!!!
Most definitely self-exams. My mother found hers this way. Mammograms are so painful, I wish they would find a new way for early detection..
Self exams monthly.
Marj McClendon´s last blog post ..Firstbike was perfect
Yearly exams at the doctors are the best defense.
If you have a family history you should get checked early and often.
regular self exams an physicals
Early detection!
Self-exams monthly! Know thy body and what is not normal!
breast cancer defense annual checks and physically checking yourself, plus know your family history
Self examinations and of course going for your checkups!
Early detection and self exams.
Early detection
Self-examination along with yearly mammograms.
Check it and check it again///the buddy system works best!
Annual breast examination ( a mammogram each year) and monthly self-breast examination to check for early signs.
Early detection through mammograms is my best line of defense.
Annual checkups!
I believe early detection is the best defense.
Mammograms each year!
self exams!
Early detection! Take care of yourself ladies!
Teish´s last blog post ..Daybook for October 21st
early detection, mammograms, self examination.
Regular exams!!
Thes best defense against breast cancer is to have regular exams
yearly mammograms
Early detection (mammograms and self exams)
It’s early detection!
Know your body
Trust your gut and be persistent if you think that something’s wrong! That’s what saved my mom’s life.
My defense is to have a mammogram once a year.
Do regular breast self checks
Self check breast in the shower
It’s early detection
Mammograms – early detection
Early detection is the best defense against breast cancer. Do self exams regularly and have those mammograms!
Awareness and diligence
Check the boobies!
Meghan´s last blog post ..$5 off at Home Depot Coupon
Self breast exams
self checks and yearly exams.
early detection
Early detection…. and breastfeeding ! 🙂
The best defense is to always perform self-checkups and go to regular doctor visits.
Early detection- Do regular breast self checks
Early detection!
Early Detection
Best defense is breat exams, mammograms!
Annual mammograms
Early detection…monthly self exams.
Thank you!
Healthy living, self-exams, and mammograms (I would imagine!)
Early Detection!
early detection! mammograms! for sure.
self breast checks and mammograms
It’s early detection!
Self examination
mammograms and monthly self checks
Early detection. Monthly self checks.
Early detection of course
Early detection
Self breast exams
The best defense is a good offense; regular checkups by yourself and your Dr.
Eat a healthy diet and get regular check up
The best defense is doing self exams and getting annual mammograms.
Best defense is doing regular self exams and getting a yearly mammogram
early detection through regular exams
The best defense is to try and avoid ingesting carcinogens and self examinations.
mammogram every year
Only thing I can think of is early detection
Self Exams and Mammograms
Self exams and testing to see if you carry the gene.
yearly mammograms
I think doing monthly self-exams and getting your yearly mammogram are your best defense.
Checking yourself each month!
Early detection!
Early detection!! Go to your screenings!!!!
Early mammography on all women at early age of 30.
Have regular screenings
I’d say Mammograms
I think early detection through self-exams and mammograms.
self exams
joni mitchell´s last blog post ..Thankful Thursday
I’d say Mammograms
self exams and early detection
early detection 🙂
Regular monthly self exams and regular annual mammograms.
Early detection and monthly self exams.
Stephanie´s last blog post ..MommyPolls Helping One Mom At A Time
Monthly home breast exams and regular mammograms !!
FIRST of all… healthy living!!!! Genetic testing to see if you carry the gene!! Then, SELF-Exams!
My own mother had the mamo and they said oh all clear see you next time. SHE found a lump FOUR months later on her own… it WAS cancer. So she told me, CHECK yourself, it’s more important.
Doing monthly self breast exams and annual mammograms.
Thanks for the chance.
Early detecton self exams.
early detection
early self breast exams and annual mammograms!!
Early Detection!
Regular exams and self-exams
Susan Kennedy´s last blog post ..Join P&G in supporting Breast Cancer Awareness [giveaway] #PGBestDefense
I think the best defense is early detection
early detection (self-exams)
monthly self breast exams
Being aware of the signs and using all the resources availiable to women for early detection.
Utilize all resources
Regularly scheduled women check ups
Self exams and early detection are the best defense. Knowledge is power.
Dawn´s last blog post ..Tips To Protect Your Child’s Smile This Halloween + Crest Coupons #ad #SweetHalloween
Early detection is the best! Check yourself!
check…check…check and then check again. frequency is key!
Check in the shower!
Checking yourself often and getting checked out by a doc!
early detection
Jessica @Bkeepsushonest´s last blog post ..Week in My Life – Thursday 10.24
Early detection is key- so the best defense is keeping on top of your self exams and check ups! 🙂
Great cause – remember that most of us think about this once a year, but some women have to think about it every day. Thanks to P&G for this!
Cailin @ Sassy Dove | Makeup Reviews´s last blog post ..Hairstyle How-To: Create The Perfect Ballerina Bun
early detection
Early detection is so, so important.
Ally´s last blog post ..Being Nervous
Early Detection!! Go get those mammograms!!!
regular screenings
Self exams and the exams you get at your yearly gyno appointment.
Yearly checkups
early detecton and self exams
self checks and yearly checkups
early detection is the best defense! save the ta-tas!
Self Checkups.
Diet…self exam….annual testing as required .
They say it’s early detection. I think some of it is luck, too.
get check ups often
Checking early and often! 🙂
Early detection and monthly SBE’s
Virginia @thatbaldchick´s last blog post ..Pumpkin Patch 2013
self examination & a yearly mammogram.
Self examination and yearly mammograms.
self breast exams are so important!
Healthy eating
The best defense is knowledge & self exams!
Self examination
self exams and mammograms so it can be detected early!
Getting your yearly mammograms.
Self Exams..healthy diet and vitamins.
Heidi V.´s last blog post ..Women’s Power Down Jacket! $160 Value! Giveaway – Ends – 10-29-2013
early detection
Preventative measures like self-exams, regular check-ups and a healthy lifestyle 🙂
Hands down, self-examinations!
self exams
regular self exams and use organic beauty products
yearly mammograms are your best defense
My best defense if self examinations once a month and a yearly mammogram
routine screening
Early detection such as mammograms is the best defense.
Best defense – early detection
self examination & a yearly mammogram.
Yearly checkups & self-exams!!
Healthy eating and exercise.
Self exams and mammograms
healthy diet and exercise, regular check ups a must!!
Self examination
Get a mammogram, self exams, eat a healthy diet, exercise and I believe you should take vitamins.
your mamogram is the best defense early detection.
Self exams, Annual Mammograms and routine doctor visit.
Early detection: Self exams
Steph´s last blog post ..Guest and Giveaway: Celebrating Christmas at Walt Disney World
I think taking are of yourself and regular self exams.
Regular exams are definitely important so it can be detected early.
self exam
Breast cancer took my sister-in-laws life so I.know that the best you can do is exams and mammography so you must be diligent with both
Self examination and yearly mammograms
early detection
regular self checks and mammograms
Exams..healthy diet and Prayers
I think self exams and regular mammograms are the best defense.
Self exams..healthy diet and Prayers
Self exams are very important!
Get you mammograms
yearly mammograms
self exams
The best defense is early detection through screenings and self exams.
best defense is a healthydiet and screenings
I think self-examinations so catch anything early on.
Starting young with self and doctor exams. Breast cancer affects people of all ages.
Self exams and annual check ups.
Annual mammogram and self check ups!
self exams!
megan´s last blog post ..my new years promise to my kid
self examination is the best.
Early detection: self-exams and screening mammograms. My bc was found on a screening mammo.
Melissa´s last blog post ..Friday’s Fave Five: October 25
Eduacation and early detection
early detection
I think self examination and getting mammograms are the best ways to get early prevention. Also, I think being aware of the food you eat and household chemicals you use all play a part in cancers. I am now trying to learn more about this and will be using organic products as I find them. I’m still very new to it, and still learning, but I feel it will help if we all become aware of avoiding the chemicals and food modifications.
getting your mammogram on time every year
Early detection! Checking to make sure you are healthy.
To self check and to get mammograms. Also to know your families health history.
Check ups!
Best defense is definitely self-exams, getting to know yourself and your body, so when something doesn’t feel right you know.
Self examinations.
Early detection
A healthy diet and regular exams.
yearly checkups
early detection is the best. I encourage all my friends to do the monthly self checks. Know your body so you can tell when something is different. Get a yearly mammogram.
The best defense I think is getting mammograms.
early detection.
Self exams are the best defense. You really need to know your own body!
Go get check ups
Yearly mammograms.
Get your yearly exams!!!
Self exams = early detection!
Self breast exams
“Physical activity can help you maintain a healthy weight, which, in turn, helps prevent breast cancer.”
The best defense is to give yourself examinations often to check for changes.
Self checks.. eat right and be healthy
I get my mammograms every single year.
Yearly mammograms and self checks
Early defense.
Monthly breast exams and annual mammograms
annual exams
Getting an annual exam is the best defense!
Monthly self examination.
self exams and doctors visits on the regular!
self checks of course!
Routine self exams
Regular exams are the best.
early detection
Screenings every year
annabella @ centurytel dot net
Self examination is an important part of detection.
Early detection!
self examinations
Lol, prayer & Jesus Christ! You can always be like Angelina Jolie and get a mastectomy or whatever, but if your gonna get it, your gonna get it, lol. Not much you can do about that! 😛 Thanks for the giveaway!
Early detection for sure! Check yourself regularly and see a doctor annually!
coriwestphal at msn dot com
Cori Westphal´s last blog post ..Party Like a Football Star Giveaway Ends 9/12
Self Exam
Early detection.
Self examination is important.
Best defense is early detection. That’s why my aunt is a breast cancer survivor!
The best defense against breast cancer is yearly examinations.
Annual Exams
Let your husband to check your breast every day
Regular checking
early detection
Daily self-examinations!
The best defense is eating a real food diet that doesn’t have preservatives, processed food, chemicals, soy, vegetable oils, and many more things. All grassfed and organic go a long way to keeping junk out of our bodies.
Allyson Bossie´s last blog post ..How To Get your Daily Nutrients in with one Scoop of Total Nutrition!
early detection is your best defense
Self checks are the best defense.
Early detection
regulary checking
Self checks and mamograms, they must be done.
Early detection.
Yearly mammograms and doing checks on yourself
Self exams and eating right
self exams and yearly mammograms!
Do your own breast exams when taking a shower, start your mammograms at 40 or earlier if their is a history of breast cancer,
Self checks and regular mammograms are you best defense!
self exams and mammograms
Regularly checking yourself is the best prevention!
self exams!!
self examinations.
Regular self breast exams
Regular checkups and early detection.
The best defense is staying away from carcinogenic products, regular checkups, and early detection.
regular self exams
By doing regular self-checks and yearly mammograms.
Yearly mammograms and self checks.
self checks and mammograms
you can eat healthy, exercise and get lots of healthy sleep to prevent cancer
Regular exams and doctor’s visits!
have regular check ups
I think the best way is to go and have a yearly mammogram and if you are at risk because of your family’s history, talk to your dr and see if there are anything extra you need to do to prevent it
Thanks for the giveaway…annual screening by a health care professional for BC is key to early detection, treatment, & survival.
EArly detection. regular routine checkups
Prevention through good nutrition and other precautions
Helena´s last blog post ..Artistic Ways To Make Fall Gourds Into Works Of Art!
Early Detection
Self exams and mamograms
Early detection doing monthly self exams and yearly mammograms.