Froot Loops are fun. Not just to eat, but to play with. On rainy days like today, my girls could sit for hours making jewelry by stringing this colorful cereal on licorice whips. Maura likes to sort them by color, and Maya likes to practice her counting, but their favorite part is getting to eat their creations when they’re all done! It’s also a super convenient breakfast that I know they’ll eat. This is one reason I was excited that Kellogg’s Froot Loops cereal now provides fiber. Apple Jacks, too.
Fiber usually isn’t something that’s a part of a “fun” meal and studies have shown that 9 out of 10 kids don’t get enough of it! Part of a healthy diet for all kids, fiber helps aid the digestive system and helps nutrients to be absorbed to turn food into the energy your kids need, keeping them going throughout the day. And starting kids out right with healthful eating habits, like including fiber in their daily diets, is a great practice that’s likely to continue into the future.
Kellogg Company knows how tough of a time moms have finding ways to increase their child’s intake, and they came up with a great solution by adding a boost of fiber to some of their most popular kids’ cereals. They started with Apple Jacks and Froot Loops cereals, two kids’ favorites, which now have three grams of fiber per serving and are currently available at your local grocery store. These cereals include ingredients such as whole-grain corn flour, whole-grain oat flour, oat fiber and soluble corn fiber. In addition, Kellogg Company plans to extend the added fiber benefits to their other cereal lines over the next year.
I did a side-by-side taste test of the original Froot Loops and the new version with added fiber, and didn’t taste a difference whatsoever. Neither did my daughters. Froot Loops is definitely the favorite of the two, but my girls also enjoy a bowl of Apple Jacks here and there. The cereal boxes clearly state “Now provides FIBER” on the front, so they’re easy to find on grocery shelves.
To find out more about these cereals, please visit the Kellogg’s website.
I just had a bowl of the new Apple Jacks. No taste what so ever.
Bummer, I was so looking forward to the taste I loved as a kid.
I’ll not be buying this again. What’s the point, if I want fiber I’ll eat a bowl of raisin bran or mini wheats.