This is a compensated campaign in collaboration with Johnson’s® and Latina Bloggers Connect.
I’ve been away from home for a few days now, and what I probably miss the most are the hugs from my daughters every morning before they leave for school! That hug that gives them the confidence to walk out the door knowing that they’re going to have a great day. That hug that shows how much we love each other, all without saying a word.
When my daughters were babies, just putting them against my bare skin was enough to calm them down. They’d be asleep in minutes, laying on my chest. That’s the power of a mother’s loving touch! It soothes our children, delights them, and nurtures their developing mind. In fact, by the age of three, 85% of a baby’s brain has developed. This is why it’s so important to engage with your little one from the first moments of his or her life! There are benefits to holding your baby skin-to-skin, like I did, as well as engaging with them during bath time. Bathing your baby is so much more than just getting them clean… touch and smell work together to create a whole sensory experience!
There’s also been research done on the effects that routine touch and massage by a parent or loving caregiver has on a baby. It is critical to baby’s growth and development, communication and learning in many ways! It helps a child develop their self-confidence and their ability to relate to others, and improves their quality of sleep when part of a bedtime routine. And we all want our babies to sleep well, for the sake of our own sanity! Don’t limit this to just your babies. When you reach over and gently touch someone, it instantly gives them a sense of safety and comfort, no matter how old they are. There’s nothing like the human touch.
My sister, who’s expecting later this year, finds out today if she’s having a boy or a girl. I’m SO excited and can’t wait for her to experience all the abrazos, risitas, y cariñitos with her little one… all the giggles, hugs, and loving touches. JOHNSON’S® wants to encourage moms to enjoy these moments and to remember that every touch, every hug, and every smile stimulates your baby’s senses and lasts a lifetime. Share your loving moments with your baby using the hashtag #SoMuchMore and you might be featured on JOHNSON’S brand social channels – Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
This is a sponsored campaign in collaboration with JOHNSON’S® and Latina Bloggers Connect. However, all opinions expressed are my own.
I completely agree. There is NOTHING like a mother’s touch.
Touch is such an easy thing to forget as days get hectic and busy. I notice that my kids’ behavior dramatically improves when I just make an effort to give more hugs and snuggles!
Wendy @ ABCs and Garden Peas´s last blog post ..Drop your pants for #Underwareness. Wait, what!?
I always get a hug and a kiss before the kids go to school. I probably over do it with the hugs and kisses!
Nothing beats a mother’s touch! My kids are always on top of me after I’ve been away for work!
Ashley @irishred02´s last blog post ..Flying High on Dumbo at Disney Social Media Moms Celebration! | #DisneySMMC
Looks like they really have a close relationship. It is hard to leave them when they are younger for sure.
Yup! A there is something magical about a Mothers’ touch. It has magical healing powers. This post is extremely touching:-)
Lorane´s last blog post ..Start your Summer with
I agree. I remember it was my touch that my son first felt hen he was born and placed in NICU.
becca´s last blog post ..Freshening Up This Spring With @Zevia #TheNewSweet
Human touch is so very important. I know I couldn’t survive this life without hugs and kisses from my kids and husband.
Ashley B.´s last blog post ..THE LITHIUM TRIBUNE- Inspiration and Saggy Bits
A mother’s touch is healing. It is the best touch in the world
You are so right, there is nothing quite like a mother’s touch. I know my toddler whenever she’s not feeling well or she’s crying, all I have to do is give her a hug and she’s so much better.
Amanda Love´s last blog post ..Fun Things to Do with Your Kids on Memorial Day
Such a lovely post! What a special family! I give a hats off to Johnson’s! Great job!
They are GORGEOUS! And I remember learning about skin-to-skin contact in the hospital when my first was born.
Wow, it seems to have a big impact on development. I can see why it’s so important.
I agree. A mother’s touch is like no other. Whenever my kids get hurt they normally ask for mom, it’s comforting.
These pictures are so adorable! Sometimes a hug or kiss is all someone needs.
Your pics are absolutely adorable! I couldn’t agree more….touch is so important to child development.
Thanks for the bright spot to end my day – hugs and love are the best.
Carol Bryant´s last blog post ..Annual Pet Blogger Conference Making Nashville Mark
Touching creates a special bond that lasts their whole life.
Debbie Denny´s last blog post ..Granny – Ya Got Crinkly things on Your Face! Instantly Ageless Can Change That!
I read a beautiful article about a similar topic regarding being their for your little ones. Not just because we only have a short time but because psychologically they need us to not allow them to cry, to meet their needs, to create that secure sense. It has literally changed my parenting. Just goes with your 85% brain development fact.
Laura Funk´s last blog post ..PreSchool Graduation
You are right! There is nothing better. I hug and kiss my kids all the time. Even my oldest who is just about tween age still loves to be hugged and kissed!
Firstly, your children are adorable! And yes, a mother’s touch can make everything right in the world. 🙂
All i could say was awww throughout the post! Kids are too cute!!