Ahh… George. I have to admit he’s the only reason I wanted to see this movie. I had no idea what it was about before popping the DVD in, other than the short clip I saw during the Oscars.
Based on the best-selling novel by Kaui Hart Hemmings and set in Hawaii, THE DESCENDANTS is a sometimes humorous, sometimes tragic journey for Matt King (George Clooney) an indifferent husband and father of two girls, who is forced to re-examine his past and embrace his future when his wife suffers a boating accident off of Waikiki. The event leads to a rapprochement with his young daughters while Matt wrestles with a decision to sell the family’s land handed down from Hawaiian royalty and missionaries.
It’s a sad movie… that’s kind of a given. While it is heartbreaking at times, there are many funny moments. My husband and I thoroughly enjoyed the film, and I think I’m an even bigger fan of George Clooney now (if that’s even possible).
As of this week, The Descendants is now available on DVD and Blu-ray. The Descendants Blu-ray features lots of extras like deleted scenes music videos. If you’ve read the book, below is a book-to-film study guide that you can use as a basis for a discussion, or if you just want to take some time to think about the film a little bit more. Right click on it to download a bigger image.
Disclosure: I was provided with a DVD screener of the movie for review purposes.
I haven’t heard this film really! Maybe I was too busy when it was shown. I love George Clooney! Really wanna buy a copy.