This is part of a compensated campaign with Latina Mom Bloggers and Pampers, however, all opinions expressed are my own.
A few weeks ago I told you about Pampers’ Love Sleep & Play campaign, which celebrates the millions of ways babies uniquely experience love, sleep and play. Remember?
Love: whether it’s a hug from an older brother or sister, a kiss from their parents, or a tender embrace from their grandparents.
- Sleep: whether it’s a planned nap, impromptu slumber or a night filled with the sweetest of dreams
- Play: whether it’s with a complex toy, a block or a re-used box
Throughout the last month, Pampers asked parents across the country to submit photos of their babies experiencing love, sleep or play to the Pampers Facebook page for the chance to be featured in their big celebration. To honor these priceless love, sleep and play moments, Pampers placed babies across the country center stage, hosting a special event on August 21st in New York City’s iconic Vanderbilt Hall at Grand Central Terminal. The historic site (it’s amazing!), which is celebrating “a century of arrivals” this year, was transformed as the littlest of arrivals (babies!) helped to unveil a first-of-its kind, user-generated baby photo experience.
More than 30,000 photos were submitted! Pampers compiled the images into a larger-than-life 3-D photo installation. Mother-to-be, actress Jennifer Love Hewitt and Mexican actress and TV host, Jacqueline Bracamontes, were on-hand at the event to walk the “teal carpet” and help Pampers reveal the display while celebrating the millions of unique ways babies experience love, sleep and play.
For those who couldn’t attend the event, Pampers captured the unveiling of the event on video. Maybe you’ll see your baby’s photo displayed on the massive wall of Vanderbilt Hall in Grand Central Terminal! To watch the video, please visit: or view it here:
Pampers understands that the how, when and where love, sleep and play are displayed isn’t what’s important; what’s important is the unique and joyful ways each baby delights in their own experiences – so who better to be in the spotlight and reveal the campaign than little ones themselves? They’re all SO cute!
To learn more about Pampers, please visit and
Enter to win a Pampers prize pack! It includes:
- A lovie blanket – for wonderful LOVE-filled moments
- “Buenas Noches Luna” book – to prepare baby for a great night of SLEEP
- Cloud B Sleep Sheep – to help lull baby to SLEEP
- A Playskool toy – to help baby enjoy moments of PLAY
- Coupon for a pack of Pampers diapers and wipes – to help baby make the most out of Love, Sleep & Play
To enter, fill out the Rafflecopter below. As your mandatory entry, you must watch the Pampers Love Sleep & Play NYC Video above ( and leave a comment below telling me the unique ways that your little ones express love, sleep or play.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
GIVEAWAY RULES: Giveaway is only open to US residents (48 contiguous states) 18+ and up. Entry period ends at midnight on Friday, September 13th. Good luck!
Running the PTO auction for my children’s school made me stronger and made me realize a lot of skill I never even knew that I had.
Thanks for being the first to enter, Kerrie! 🙂 I had accidentally left the question from my previous giveaway, I apologize. All fixed now, but your comment still counts!
It is time to play when they attack and jump on my feet when they move under the covers.
My son will rub my back when I am sick – so sweet!
Our baby boy sleeps with his feet straight up in the air, its so cute! doesn’t look very comfortable, but that’s how he falls asleep!
My granddaughter curls up on the sofa and goes to sleep
I just love how my daughter’s new twins just sit there and smile and starting to laugh
He always snuggles and he loves kisses!
My baby loves to sleep in the corners of rooms
My grandson loves to play by making funny faces with me and laughing!
I always seem to find my daughter hanging off her bed or couch when she is sleeping.. Looks so uncomfortable! Thanks for the chance.
Giggling in their sleep..
My son won’t go to sleep without snuggling.
My Baby Expresses Love By Giving A Ton Of Hugs And Kisses!
My grandson plays by rolling all over the entire living room.
my son gently taps my arm.. almost like (everything is going to be okay). It is such a sweet and loving gesture! He is the best! 😀
My sweet lil one loves to snuggle and that smile and laugh just make my day. Such a joy!!!
Maggie True Armstrong´s last blog post ..Brew Over Ice Prize Pack Giveaway! Ends 9/11
My daughter squeals every time my husband comes home from work! It really makes you feel loved!
My little one expresses love by showering her baby brother with kisses- usually more than he needs. The love of a child is so beautiful, so innocent.
My son usually takes a while to get to sleep but he is just so darn cute once he is finally passed out, He loves sleeping on his belly in odd positions.
We make up songs starring my sweet babies plus lots of cuddles
Our newest little ones has just learned to out-stretch his arms and motions with his hands to come here…. I just love it. It makes me feel so needed.
My little peanut is starting to smile when she sees my face <3 <3
I love how my granddaughter would nestle her head on my daughter’s neck.
our little one falls asleep after playing on the big pillow on the floor, so comfy.
My son loves to play by chasing the kitty cats around the house.
My son kisses me on the nose 🙂
My daughter always sits next to me, and holds my hand when we are walking.
Our daughter sleeps in a “superman” pose with her arms and legs stuck straight out.
My daughters talk in their sleep! It’s so cute!
my little one love to have conversations by talking with him on his play phone and im talking on my phone
She always snuggles and tries to soothe me when I’m down…melts my heart!
My son just learned to say I Love You! He also loves to sing Happy Birthday!
My little granddaughter will call me and tell me all about her day and will always tell me she loves me.
My little one turns into an inch worm when she sleeps swaddled in her crib. Starts at the top of her mattress every night and wiggles down to her feet touching the bottom by morning. Don’t know why but its soooo cute!!
my niece and nephew express love in various ways. My niece can talk, so one thing she does is call her grandparents by “pet” names. it changes from things like monkey to papaw, etc.
My sons show love in very different ways including coloring me pictures and helping with chores so they can make me smile
will snuggle up to me wrap his feet around mone thats the only way he will go to slep
my son bounces on his hands and knees and gives the cutest little smirk when he is ready to play!
My 16 month old son gives me kisses and “hugs” me by putting his head on my shoulder and squeezing slightly….so cute! He usually starts tugging his ear and rubbing his eyes when he’s sleepy.
I don’t have children yet, but my nieces give the sweetest hugs. 🙂
DS4 is getting so tall but he loves to say, “Mommy, let’s snuggle!” and then climb in my lap with his doggie in hand. We’ll need a bigger chair soon if he keeps this up.
Our oldest (20months) is ALWAYS hugging on and kissing his newborn brother. He shares his toys and FOOD with us lol.
I love it when my little ones snuggle closely into my chest, letting me know they feel safe and secure with me there. And of course hugs are awesome too!
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He’s only 6 weeks old, but he loves to snuggle!
my little guy will run and bury his face in my tummy! so cute!
Thank you so much for this fabulous giveaway!
my little one give the best hugs and snuggles!
my daughter smiles at me first thing in the morning and melts my heart. Best way to start the day
My youngest daughter will play with my hair when she is tired and wants to sleep and be cuddled
Malia´s last blog post ..Baby Shower Gift Guide GIVEAWAY Extravaganza!
I think my niece expresses love through her giggles!
My daughter hugs me and says “Mommy, you’re my best friend”.
we play peek a boo and i love hearing those giggles when i tickle.
she brings me a book to read before bedtime and cuddles
My 2 month old grand daughter will stop crying when I start talking to her. But she smiles and gets excited when my daughter in law (babys mom) walks into the room.
My daughter loves to cuddle on me when she is tired.
Its all the sweet hugs and kisses
My baby loves to attack me with kisses!
as we say big bear hugs
My 4 month old has found her voice and gets very excited when I am near her. My toddler loves for me to trace shapes on his back while he holds my other hand to his cheek. These moments are the best!
Angela P´s last blog post ..SmartPlanet Collapsible Soup and Salad Bowl Review & Giveaway
My daughter squeals MAMA when I walk into a room!
Dee´s last blog post ..Got Giveaways? 9/10 Giveaway Linky
my grannybabies show love by wanting hugs and kiss kiss :).
My daughter shows love with big sloppy kisses and giggles!
snuggle time and loves
playing in the park and bedtime stories
My little one isn’t here yet. 3 more weeks!
kelly´s last blog post ..37 weeks ~ Full term!
At only six months my son will put his little arms on mine and try to squeeze as hard as he can after I hug him. He also loves to be close and cuddle when he sleeps.
Definitely precious moments.
We lay and cuddle in the mornings
Erica Chao´s last blog post ..The Lorax Blu-ray Giveaway – Ends 9/23 (US & CAN)
My nephews love to cuddle after tickle fights.
Theyre too cut when they fall asleep while watching Hercules for the billionth time 🙂
My little one snuggles when she’s sleepy.
lots of before bed snuggles!
We don’t have children yet, but are planning to in the very near future.
Open mouth slobber baby kisses from my 11 month old
For me it is Baby Reef’s soulful eyes and loving smile!
Snuggles and hugs. Her kisses are limited and open mouth. slobbery kisses but I love them!
We love to cuddle
When my daughter is nursing and she reaches up and grabs my face. She usually lets go just enough to let me see a big smile and then she continues nursing. It melts me every time!
my daughter always slept with her head tilted to the left. It was so sweet
My boys play so amazingly well together. They love to create and be silly together.
My favorite time of the day is the end of the day, when everything seems to slow down and I read my son a story (or 3!) before bed.
My 1 year old and 3 year old daughters argue over who gets to cuddle with Mama the longest! <3
My little ones sleep with me
My daughter loves to cuddle and give me lots of kisses 🙂
She randomly comes up to me and gives me long/strong hugs.
we love to cuddel and spend mommy and daugheter/son time reading.
My 2 yr old always cuddles with me when he is tired.
My daughter always smiles at me and wants to be held and follows me wherever I go. She likes to switch positions every 10 seconds at night and kicks me in the face ALWAYS. She LOVES playing with balls- she bounces them- throws them- mouths them. 🙂
I have twins who love to sleep nose to nose
He tells me ‘I love you to the moon’!
Amanda Gilds´s last blog post ..Greek-Style Stew over Couscous
My son sings himself to sleep.
My guy is always smiling.
The best expression of a baby is to see you smile every day, is a sign that is really happy! ? I love to see my baby waking up with a cute smile
Mine comes up and puts her arms around my legs and hugs them when she wants me to pick her up and play
y son likes me to sing how much is that doggy in the window n he likes to play with my face while hes tryn to fall asleep lol
My son just learned how to blow kisses so he blows me a dozen kisses and then giggles as he hugs me.
My baby loves giving me sloppy kisses to show her love.
For us it is hug, kisses, and smiles.
My 3 year old son always asks is everyone okay.
When my little guy is nursing, he’ll stop & say, “cudd”. Which is cuddle! Melts my heart every time!
My little one runs up to me and kisses my leg. It is the best thing in the world.
We spend time outside because going for walk calms him down and puts him to sleep.
She’s little and smiles a lot!
April Erhard´s last blog post ..Evolution Of Monokinis
She lays her face on mine and presses.
My babies love their swing!
He gives me kisses!
My little one rubs his eyes, and searches for his blankets
Amy Desrosiers´s last blog post ..Delmonte Fruit Burst™ Squeezers -A Lunchbox Must Have!
My little fellow has a favorite stuffed animal, a little dog, that he likes to snuggle to while he sleeps.
my toddler niece loves hugging everything…her older brother, her relatives, her dolls, any pets
Carter just turned 8 months – right now he gets a huge grin on his face and starts to jump around (as much as he can yet) -LOL He loves his grandma 🙂
Janice Crespo´s last blog post ..Giveaways Added September 13 2013
My little one likes to feed his toys mommy’s milk and hug them! He also shows love with kisses and everyone has to kiss!
He snuggles with me and gives me kisses
With the tightest hug in the world.
She says it all in her smile..melts my heart..
When my 2 year old grandson is tired, he tugs at his ear and pats his belly. precious!
My niece draws me flowers
My niece likes to cuddle
My granddaughter holds her arms out and hugs and kisses you and then smiles so big, she is amazing!
My baby boy grabs and chews on the corners of blankets.
Hugs and kisses and the nite mommy i luv u so sweet