I lost track of time yesterday, so I’m posting this a day late! At this point you should have completed the pre-assessment and watched The Three Little Pigs with your child.
How did your kids do on the pre-assessment?
- Maya basically knew the story of The Three Little Pigs:
“The wolf blows down the pigs’ houses. A straw house and a brick house, and something else. And then they had no place to live and it was about to rain. And that’s all.”
- She could easily point to the letters W-O-L-F on the Alpha Pig Activity Sheet, but couldn’t read or spell the words on the Wonder Red or Princess Presto sheets.
- As for the Super Why Literacy Skills, she’s on top of that! She’s great with opposites, and could guess which word was “bad” and which was “good” from the letter they start with.
So on to Day 1 – It’s Alpha Pig Day!
- First, download and/or print the materials.
- Day 1 instructions: Since I can refer to it on my computer, I prefer to save a little paper by not printing it.
- Bingo instructions, cards and markers: There are 20 different cards that you can print, but I decided to just print two for me and Maya. Ideally, you’d laminate the Bingo cards so you could reuse them over and over, but I don’t happen to have the materials to do that on hand at the moment.
- Character masks
- Check your local listings to see when Super WHY airs (several times a day), and watch an episode with your child. Pay special attention to Alpha Pig. We’re going to refer to The Three Little Pigs, since that’s what we just watched.
- After viewing, do the fun games and worksheet activities suggested in the Day 1 instructions.
I’ll be back later today to tell you how our Day 1 went, and instructions on how to prepare for Day 2. Have fun!!
good post