My baby turns 3 tomorrow! Can’t quite believe how fast these past few years have flown by…
Backyard Discovery
Avoid scams – buy your playset from a reputable company
I just found this video that I took the beautiful Spring day that we first had our Backyard Discovery playset installed. The girls ran from the living room, which faces our front yard, to see the pieces being taken off the truck… then back to our family room, which faces the backyard, and gives a perfect […]
Backyard Discovery’s Summer Photo Campaign
Everyone has a favorite summer swing set memory, whether it was in your own backyard, at the local playground, or at grandma’s house… last week, or twenty years ago. What’s yours? Throughout the summer, Backyard Discovery is encouraging people to post photos of their favorite swing set memories to their Facebook page. They’ve partnered with […]
Our Backyard Discovery playset – random thoughts!
Several people have wanted to come see our playset, because they say they’ve never seen one of these in person. Are you sure about that? Sometimes stores, like Sam’s Club and Costco, have them on display. And just walking around my neighborhood I’ve seen two other swingsets from the same company. What may confuse you […]
Win the Highlander playset!
No, I’m not giving one away, sorry! But I know who is! 😉 Tonight, @ResourcefulMom is hosting a Twitter party sponsored by Backyard Discovery! One lucky participant will win the very same playset you’ve been reading about right here for the past couple of months – The Highlander pictured below. We’re still at my mom’s […]
A playset… it’s such an investment.
If I had a dollar for every time I heard this! My response? Yes, it is. 1) A backyard playset is an investment in your child. It stimulates their imagination. The girls love to pretend. One day the playset is a pirate ship. Maya made her sister “walk the plank” by going down the slide, […]