Last Sunday the girls and I went to the 16th annual National Cinco de Mayo Festival on the grounds of the Washington Monument. I’ve attended this “fiesta” several times and this year was by far the most successful, if I were to judge it by the crowds. Unfortunately, I was disappointed that we didn’t have […]
Flower Mart at the National Cathedral
We visited the Washington National Cathedral for for Flower Mart. Although we did get somewhat lost inside the cathedral at one point, we had a blast! I’m surprised at how child-friendly the place is. Even maneuvering the stroller around the grounds wasn’t difficult using the wheelchair-accessible entrances. There’s a parking garage right underneath the cathedral […]
My dear baby…
You’re 9 months old today! It’s bittersweet, though, considering that you’re probably our last one. It’s unbelievable how much you’ve grown, how lovable you’ve become, and what a good baby you are. Instead of keeping track of your milestones, I try to avoid thinking about them; I know you’ll be walking and talking before I […]
Time to start tightening that belt…
So I have to improvise!
Ho-dee-oh – Ralph’s World!
I’m always on the lookout for children’s music that is as pleasing to me as it is to Maya. After all, however catchy their songs may be, I can only take so much of the Wiggles! Back in 2005, by way of the DCUM forum, I was introduced to the delightfulness that is Ralph’s World. […]
Ad multos annos! (May you live many more years!)
Today is Pope Benedict’s 81st birthday. Earlier this morning Maya and I were watching the broadcast of his visit to the White House. She sang along as the Marine band played “Happy Birthday” for him. “Does he get birthday cake now?” she asked me. “I’m sure he does, but just in case he doesn’t, do […]