Snow Day
A snowy surprise
While we were expecting a little rain on Monday afternoon, the SNOW was a complete – but welcome – surprise! Enough to make snowmen and even break in our new sled… The REAL treat was seeing Chiquito’s reaction to snow! Being from Mexico, he had never seen the stuff before! Not quite sure what to […]
I was wrong
I was just telling my husband that at this time last year, our yellow daffodils were already in bloom… but I’m wrong! Just pulled up photos from March 2009, and there is snow on the ground. A lot of it. This is from March 3rd…
Snow Schmo
These photos were taken early last week. Maya’s fascinated by icicles. She goes around looking for them hanging off the edge of the roof or the bumpers of cars. She’s also a little obsessed with throwing snowballs, which was okay until I became the target. So I made a new rule that she can only […]
Snow Day
Yesterday the baby experienced snow for the first time! Always an exciting milestone.