My husband pointed out that Maura looks a lot like me. To prove his point, he had her stand next to a photo of me when I was younger, to compare. “Can you smile like mommy in that photo?” “CHEEEEEEEESE!” “Let’s try again… how about a smaller smile this time?” Perfect. I have to admit […]
Wordless Wednesday
I was wrong
I was just telling my husband that at this time last year, our yellow daffodils were already in bloom… but I’m wrong! Just pulled up photos from March 2009, and there is snow on the ground. A lot of it. This is from March 3rd…
Aching for spring
We’re getting more snow tomorrow… nooooooo!!!
Write the Caption
My sister, on Cinderella’s Carousel in the Magic Kingdom. Write the caption!
Sisterly love.
To have a loving relationship with a sister is not simply to have a buddy or confidante—it is to have a soulmate for life. – Victoria Secunda In yesterday’s Wordless Wednesday, I posted this photo of my daughters and promised to write more about it today. To put it simply, it’s about attachment. My girls […]
Lots of Love
Come back tomorrow for the story behind this heartfelt hug…