I participated in an Influencer Program on behalf of Mom Central for TCF Bank
and received a promotional item to thank me for participating.
In recognition of National Financial Literacy Month, TCF Bank, a Minnesota-based national bank, wants you to consider your financial habits and has created a fun quiz that lets you find your “financial animal.” I love taking quizzes like this, so…
I’m a peacock!
“First is my preferred class and I definitely enjoy the finer things…”
I’d say that’s right on the money, no pun intended. 😉
Before taking the quiz, I hadn’t really considered the role of financial literacy in my life. My husband handles most of the finances, and we don’t have much as far as savings and investments go. Money management takes time and effort, but I know that understanding our finances will allow us to best plan and prepare for the future. Right now, I’d love to learn more about how much we should be putting in our daughters’ college funds.
That’s where TCF Bank’s Financial Learning Center comes in… after taking the quiz, you’re invited to explore the site, which aims to equip consumers with practical and impartial information about money management. I took a look at the site and found it quite useful, as I don’t consider myself to be very financially literate, unfortunately. The site takes you through a variety of modules, covering topics such as savings and investments, mortgages, overdraft, credit cards, credit scores and reports, identity protection, insurance and protection, and financing higher education, and you don’t have to be a TCF Bank Customer to enroll! It makes use of unique technology that incorporates video, animations, gaming and social networking to simplify complex financial concepts, while making it fun. I think people of all ages could benefit from it! Hopefully I’m on the right track to improving my financial IQ and taking control of my future finances.
What financial animal are you? Take the TCF Bank Financial Animal Quiz to find out!
I’m intrigued. I’m definitely going to have to find out what animal I am! Money management is definitely not a strong suit, but I’m getting better, with the help of my team!
Lia Moore – Full Circle Eventi Design´s last blog post ..Wedding Planning Boot Camp is HERE 2014 – Virtual Style
Will check this out. Thanks for sharing
Debbie Denny´s last blog post ..Save The Earth Foundation Says Every Day Is Earth Day! #EarthDayEveryDay
I am good at managing our checkbook, but when it comes to investments and our retirement plans, my hubby is all over that. He is an accountant, so he knows his stuff.
Robin (Masshole Mommy)´s last blog post ..Easy Ways to Burn Calories Throughout the Day
What a fun quiz. I got a Coyote. I’m a crafty scavenger, always on the hunt for a bargain…very true!
That’s funny!!! I’m a Coyote. I think I need to be reevaluating my retirement portfolio!!
womenmlm´s last blog post ..Picking a Domain Name
Fun I want to know what animal I’m as-well, I dont even check our finances so I bet something not to fancy
This is awesome. I think everyone should be financially literate.
Diane N – Philzendia´s last blog post ..Sun Safety Tips for Skin Cancer Awareness Month
I’m a coyote! I think my husband will actually be happy to hear that!
Lois Alter Mark´s last blog post ..midweek at the oasis
We have been working in our finances in the last couple of years. Tricky at first but easy to figure out!
I can’t wait to find out what animal I am!
Heather Lawrence´s last blog post ..I have a love/hate relationship
Hubby does checkbook and pays bills. I have been working on more long term planning and start a college fund for my son. Thank you for sharing!
Claudia Krusch´s last blog post ..Stay Connected With The Mamás In Your Life
My husband manages the checkbook since he is the primary wage earner. My income goes to paying for extras and adding to our savings. I will definitely have to take this quiz.
Jen V´s last blog post ..Introducing Project Life by Stampin’ Up
Interesting! I definitely need to find out what my financial animal is.
This sounds interesting! I took the quiz and got a coyote!
Aly Mashrah´s last blog post ..Dramatic Eye Makeup Inspired by Million Dollar Arm
Neat. This is like a useful spin on those Facebook games.
Robin {Mom Foodie}´s last blog post ..Easy Dry Rub for Chicken
I’d like to think I have some good money management skills but I know a lot of people who could benefit.
Amy Desrosiers´s last blog post ..Eggplant Pepperoni Pizzas Recipe
I’m like you. My husband handles the finances. I occasionally will pay something but he does it all. Saving and such is nice but we haven’t been able to do it as much lately. It is nice to put some away for the future for sure. Thanks for sharing the quiz with us!
Brittnei´s last blog post ..6 Keys to Stay Motivated to Lose Weight
I am trying to get mt finances in order.I have come a good way but I have so very far to go.
Debi@ The Spring Mount 6 Pack´s last blog post ..Easing Bothersome Symptoms with Zim’s
This is such a fun quiz!!!
Such a fun quiz… Hubby does all the finances and all the money I bring in goes for extras… 🙂 I do prefer the finer things, like first class
What a fun quiz! Thankfully my husband does all of our finances and investments and he makes wise choices.
Mama to 5 BLessings´s last blog post ..Easy Green Bean Bake Recipe
I really need to get my finances in order. I bet if I took the quiz i would be a pig, because I am always in debt with over spending. thank you so much for sharing.
Mommy2Jam´s last blog post ..Wordless Wednesday
We are definitely working on getting our financials in order.
Maggie @ The Love Nerds´s last blog post ..Mother’s Day Gift – Picture Perfect Photo Tray
I’m pretty on top of it, but I’m also sure I could be better. I really need to do some solid investing!
Liz Mays´s last blog post ..I’ve Got Baby Groables!
Financial literacy is definitely important! My husband and I have learned a lot as we’ve gone through the home buying process.
Every time we think we will have something to save, something else happens. Sure you know what that’s like. My husband is really good when it comes to taking care of our finances though. I’ll have to see if he’d be interested in this.
It’s important to be financially literate. Being in control of your finances helps you get ahead and stay ahead.
Catherine L.´s last blog post ..Shadow Fire Interview with Kimber Leigh Wheaton
I missed the quiz but if there were an ostrich then that’s me. I have a poor relationship with money and am slowly working my way back to getting better with it.
Rachee´s last blog post ..New at @AcadNatSci – Birds of Paradise: Amazing Avian Evolution
Ha! My hubby would probably be a peacock too… I’m a coyote. I’m super frugal.
Danielle @ We Have It All´s last blog post ..Give Your Digestive System Balance with a #NaturalProbiotic, Healthy Diet and Exercise #shop