Maya and I were doing a project on the computer today, where she had to click on a floppy disk icon to save her work.
She didn’t get it.
“Clicking on the picture of a printer makes my picture print out, but why does that mean save? What is it?”
I laughed.
How things have changed. She’ll never use a floppy disk, a cassette player, or so many other things that were normal, everyday things to me growing up. I wonder how much technology will evolve in the next 10 years. Maybe I should create a Time Capsule, throw a few things in, and bury it in the backyard…
On that note, I found a site that lists the 20 Things That Forever Changed Childhood and found it quiet interesting. The 10 Best and 10 Worst of the past decade.
Check out the list and tell me what you think!
Time capsule buried in the back yard. Hey that’s an idea to get rid of all the junk my husband has stored in his den closet and hasn’t used in years because it’s outdated.
I’ve tried to get him to let me throw the stuff out, to no avail.
Yet, maybe if I tried the time capsule buried in the back yard approach he’d give in and we could regain some much needed closet space. It’s worth a try at least.