If your kids are anything like mine, they are very clumsy and are constantly getting hurt. Kissing “boo boos” and giving hugs are always my first attempts to make my kids’ injuries feel better. Cute band aids also do wonders to quickly dry up the tears. But seriously, most of us want to give our kids more than just a kiss and a colorful band aid to help them heal and feel better quickly. Topricin Junior is a great homeopathic, topical healing agent that I absolutely recommend and have already told friends and family about.
About Topricin
Topricin Pain Relief and healing cream has been around since 1994 and the company has just recently release the two new products Topricin Junior and Topricin Foot Therapy Cream. Topricin Junior is an alternative to chemical-based pain pills. It contains 13 safe, natural ingredients that assist the body to speed healing and relieve aches and pains. Topricin Junior is natural and has no side effects. The topical cream can be used to treat bumps, bruises, eczema, muscle spasm, cramps, sprains, strains, neck and shoulder pain, minor burns, bug bites, and even growing pains. Topricin Junior delivers soothing, rapid relief, and does not contain the menthol-based ingredients that cool or burn the skin and smell like other pain-relieving topicals.
I have used the Topricin Junior on my son who bumped his head and had an instant bruise on his forehead. I believe the Topricin helped it to heal much faster and also helped to relieve the pain quickly and naturally which made both of us feel better. It is great to know there was something I could do for him other than ice alone. I also used the Junior Topricin on my four-year-old daughter, who had several bug bites on her arm; they became irritated from itching. After only applying the cream once, the bites were almost completely healed by the next day. My daughter also has very mild eczema and is very sensitive to most lotions. The Topricin Junior is soothing and doesn’t contain any irritating chemicals and has no fragrance. After applying Topricin to my family’s many ailments for the last two weeks, all I can say is, it works.
Topricin also has a Foot and Ankle pain-relieving cream that is also a new product release. I had good reason to use this product after a long overdue visit to the gym. I applied the cream to both of my sore ankles and found that the cooling cream relieved the pain and achiness I was experiencing. None of the pain or achy symptoms returned after only one use.
My husband and I have also used the Topricin pain relief and healing cream. The first thing I noticed after opening the package was that this product could be used to treat carpal tunnel syndrome, an ailment I have been suffering from for almost 10 years. I was very optimistic, yet I didn’t have high expectations. I have been applying it to my wrists a few times a day for the last two weeks and have found that the numbness in my hands and fingers has decreased in frequency, and the nerve pain has become less at night (when it is usually at its worst). After relying on pain pills or sleeping medication just to get 4-5 hours of sleep at night over the last several months, the relief Topricin provided was amazing. I wish we would have known about this product sooner!
Topical BioMedics, Inc., producers of the Topricin line, included information about the inventor who created this product to treat his of bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome. He had extensive knowledge in natural medicine and physiology. He was able to heal himself and become pain free, symptom free and medication free. He eventually gained restoration of full function.
I always try to consider natural alternatives and am hopeful to avoid surgery for my carpal tunnel syndrome. I will continue to use this product because of the relief I have already experienced. I truly value the product because it is offering relief based on healing not just masking the symptoms. It is definitely worth buying!
Topricin Pain Relief and Healing Cream is available in a 2 oz. tube for $16.90. Topricin Junior’s 1.5 ounce tube (MSRP $12.99) is just the right size to keep on hand when boo boos happen.
Topricin is available in pharmacies, natural food stores, and other fine retailers nationwide, including Whole Foods, Vitamin Shoppe, Vitamin World, Fred Meyer, Wegmans, and other retail stores throughout the U.S., as well as direct from the Topical BioMedics’ online store. To learn more about Topricin Junior, go to https://www.topricinkids.com.
Where in the world do you take Topricin? Submit a photo of your travels with one of the Topricin Pain Relief and Healing Cream formulas for a chance to win a year’s supply of Topricin ($299.40 cash value) and other great prizes.
- The Grand prizewinner will receive a year’s worth of Topricin – one 4-ounce jar delivered every month (actual cash value $299.40).
- The Second Prize winner will receive a “4 The Family” Gift Basket,” which includes: one 2-ounce tube Topricin, two 4-ounce jars Topricin, one 2-ounce tube Topricin Foot Therapy Cream, one 1.5-ounce tube Topricin Junior and a free 30 day supply of Topricin’s companion product -Glucosamine Plus and Free Topricin Samples too (actual cash value $145.95).
- Three Third Prize winners will receive the Topricin Trio set of all three Topricin formulas: 2-ounce tube Classic Topricin, 2-ounce tube Topricin Foot Therapy Cream and 1.5-ounce tube Topricin Junior (actual cash value $49.93).
To enter:
- Send photo and caption along with your name, address, phone number and email address to: ‘Where in the World is Topricin,’ Topical BioMedics, Inc., P.O. Box 494, Rhinebeck, NY 12572.
- Or attach photo to an email with your name, address, and phone number to marketing@topricalbiomedics.com.
- Entries must be postmarked no later than October 15, 2011 and there is one entry per person.
Hurry – the ‘Where in the World is Topricin’ contest ends October 15, 2011. Winners will be announced on the Topricin Web site on October 21, 2011.
Disclosure: I was provided with complimentary full size tubes of Topricin and Topricin Junior in order to facilitate this review; the opinions are my own.
This stuff is really good–we love it!