I don’t enter voting contests often because the feeling of rejection when I don’t win doesn’t feel that great and I hate refuse to bug all my family and friends to vote for me over and over. If it doesn’t involve me… then that’s a whole ‘nother story. 😉
Back in December I entered Chiquito in an Angry Birds photo contest on the Hartz Facebook page. I asked for votes a couple of times here and on Facebook, but forgot about it for the most part when Christmas came around.
This morning, as I was trying to kill time playing with Facebook on my phone while on the treadmill, I saw a message from Hartz in my “Other” folder. Have you ever checked that folder? So much good stuff in there that I missed. Apparently if you’re not my “friend” and message me, it automatically goes there instead of my inbox. Annoying. I digress.
Chiquito won the contest! Well, he didn’t win win. With 76 votes, he was the last runner up out of 14 winners, while the grand prize pet reached over 1000. Wow. All the winning dogs and cats are here. My Chiquito is the cutest. Just saying’.
I know the prize is Angry Birds themed, so Chiquito will be thrilled! It’ll be nice to see what surprise they send out.
YOUR TURN: Do you enter photo and/or voting contests? How often do you win?
What a great shot! I love this post here…
Gabrielle´s last blog post ..How To Cure Tinnitus