I’m bringing back the BUZZ!
A roundup of great stuff I’ve found while browsing the Internet over the past week, as well as links to your giveaways! Add your links at the bottom of the page!
Also, you’re going to be seeing some changes around here! You may have already noticed the homepage looks different. Going for a cleaner look. Beginning tomorrow, there will be a few new voices as well! I’ve put together a wonderful review team so that TDB has tons of fresh, new content.
- www.donothingfor2minutes.com. No explanation needed. I know you can do it. 😉
- Texas on Tour, a high-tech, interactive, mobile marketing exhibit is headed to the Minnesota State Fair this week, from August 25-28th, its last stop. Texas on Tour transports each visitor to unique outdoor Texas experiences that are highly entertaining, educational and personalized – such as a virtual reality kayaking trip through Texas waterways – uniquely showcasing the Lone Star State. Visitors to the exhibit can “picture themselves in Texas” and stroll along a Texas beach through the use of green screen technology. Daily performances from Texas musicians and entertainers will also be featured. Sounds cool (but I’m from Texas, so I may be a bit biased). For more information about Texas on Tour and all there is to see and experience in Texas, please visit https://www.traveltex.com and follow @texastourism and Facebook/TexasTourism.
- International humanitarian relief & development NGO, Good Neighbors, launched a new Facebook campaign to feed hungry children in developing nations. With the collaboration of a generous donor who will donate 25 cents for every new Facebook “like” on Good Neighbors’ fan page, Good Neighbors hopes to feed 32,000 children in Haiti, Guatemala and Chad. In those nations, 25 U.S. cents can purchase one bowl of food.
- Dinosaur Big City, a one hour special, kicks off Dinosaur Train’s 2nd season tomorrow, August 22nd, on PBS Kids (check your local listings for times). The season will focus on exploring the outdoors and natural phenomena, and will feature “Big Dinosaur Week” and a special based on the fan favorite “Dinosaurs A to Z” song. Your kids would love these DT printables to continue the fun after the show is over!
- Mad Men is now available to watch instantly on Netflix (for those of you that haven’t yet canceled the service). I’m debating watching it tonight, for the first time. Heard great things!
TIS THE SEASON- Back to School
- Growums is now offering schools and clubs a terrific fundraiser opportunity that’s good for the soul and the bottomline. This year, hundreds of school across the country are taking a break from the standard candy and wrapping paper fundraisers with Growums Garden Kits, offering a fresh and healthy approach that benefits schools, our planet and the lives of today’s children. With the First Lady’s announcement of the new MyPlate food diagram as an important tool in the battle against childhood obesity, the specially-themed garden kits are a fun and simple learning tool that teach children and adults alike the joys and benefits of growing their own food. This fresh approach to fundraising offers a fun and lucrative opportunity to schools and clubs to raise funds for their organizations as they deliver important messaging to encourage healthy eating habits, a greener environment and stronger families. Participating organizations receive half of the proceeds of sales – each Growums garden kit sells for $10 — and an additional portion of all proceeds goes directly from Preferred Commerce, Inc. toward helping to feed needy children. For more information on the Growums fundraiser, visit fundraising.growums.com.
- Learn how to save a life. Learn how to perform hands-only CPR.
- Tampico Beverages, makers of high-quality juice drinks, has an online photo contest going on that ends TONIGHT! Entitled “Unique Like You,” entrants can submit photos of themselves, customize them with fun add-ons and bling and ask their friends to vote for their photos. Prizes include a top-of the line laptop computer, among other goodies! https://bit.ly/tampicocontest
- Talenti Gelato e Sorbetto is also sponsoring a photo contest on their Facebook page, “Talenti’s Cutest Moments,” which goes through September 2nd. Talenti is asking its Facebook fans to post photos of themselves or their kids enjoying Talenti’s delicious gelato or sorbetto. All of the contest details can be found here.
Great stuff–I was always worried about the spray sunscreens even though I had not heard anything negative about them. I am going to stop using them. Thanks!