I can usually predict what I’ll find.
Dozens of photos of our dog, Chiquito.
Self-portraits (sort of).
But this?
Ursula, topless? I’d like to know what she was thinking when she took that, haha!
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Loved this post!! My daughter loves taking crazy pictures too. She has her own camera and its always funny to see what she has on there. She tends to steal my camera too. Once at my nephews soccer game she took about 30 pictures of the same boy (guess we know who her favorite is lol). And just a few weeks ago, she took my phone and posted an extreme close up of herself to my Facebook page while I was busy. lol
LOL Right now my daughter is doing a photography project for school based on wild life so I’m finding pictures of gheckos, tress, birds, bees and plants/flowers. But every once in a while I find a picture of her toe, her knee, a rock or even her sneaker. 🙂
Kim´s last blog post ..My Pinterest Addiction!
LOL!! That’s so funny! I think Chiquito, your dog looks cute in that picture! But I have no idea about the Ursula!
My 5 years old daughter did take my camera once and she took her brother picture when he was sleeping! I think it’s cute! But then she brought the camera outside my house and took some crazy picture: the stone, ants, and our puppy! Haha 😀