I took SO many photos of my daughters at Boo at the Zoo on Sunday, that I couldn’t decide on just one photo, so I thought I’d share this one instead. Right before I grabbed for my camera, Tai Shan opened his eyes, stretched, and looked at the crowd peering through the glass. But then he went right back to sleep.
Oh, he’s sooo lazy. This picture reminded me I need to go to bed early today 😉
.-= Monica´s last blog ..From London To A Remote Village In Ecuador =-.
What a fabulous picture! We were supposed to go on Sunday too but we had to bail! It would have been great to see you 2 days in a row!
.-= Leticia- Tech Savvy Mama´s last blog ..Climb Aboard Dinosaur Train for Natural Science & Paleontology =-.
So stinkin’ CUTE! We’ve been wanting to go to the Zoo for a while–now I really want to go!
Happy WW : )
.-= Piera´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday: Fun with Pumpkins =-.
OMG that is a great picture. Totally cracked me up!!! He is lving la vida loca!
.-= Carolyn G´s last blog ..Mostly Wordless Wednesday (Addams) =-.
Gorgeous! He sure looks like he’s loving life!
Great shot! I love pandas.
Thanks for the WW link-up again. You ROCK! 🙂
.-= Run DMT´s last blog ..Picked the Perfect One =-.
That is a funny picture. Wish I was sleeping like that.
Happy WW!
What a cutie.
.-= Deborah´s last blog ..Welcome to FeedBurner =-.
What fun and a great pic! Boo at the Zoo is ALWAYS so much fun!!
.-= Staci´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday =-.
That’s living life right there!
Oh he looks so comfy! I just love him! Happy WW!
.-= Angie´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday – I’m a proud auntie =-.
Did you take that one? Such a great shot!
.-= Felicia´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday: Fall at the Biltmore and Blue Ridge Parkway =-.
awwww Butterstick!
I’ve been saying for months now that we need to go to the zoo, but whenever the weather is good enough to go, we don’t because we know it will be super crowded. I guess now that it’s cooler and tourist season is over (thank goodness…) it won’t be that bad.
.-= Emily E.´s last blog ..kebhouse: RT@orbitz: We’re giving away 10 free airline tickets today! FOLLOW @Orbitz & RT this msg to be eligible to win. https://bit.ly/3hZo37 =-.
Cool shot! Have a wonderful Wednesday!
OMG – that panda is TOO cute! Great pic!
.-= Robyns Online World´s last blog ..The Sims 3 Giveaway =-.
Love it!!
Hi Marianna, it’s Ana from the TTP event, how’s it going? How lucky that your zoo has such a gorgeous panda. Hope everything is going well with you!
.-= bonggamom´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday: Arrrrr! =-.
What a great picture! Lovin’ the WW!
.-= Julie@Momspective´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday – I Make Good Baby =-.
Cute! Love visiting zoos and wish we had pandas at ours!
Oh Boo! I wish I was at the Zoo LOL Great pic =)
Happy WW!
How cute! Allie says this is her bear, she has a panda bear and sleeps with it every night. I can’t wait til we take her to the zoo!
that is so what I want to be doing right now! LOL
.-= Annie@MamaDweeb´s last blog ..Bare Skin {Review} =-.
We visited a haunted village last Saturday. But I bet my kids would have loved a visit to the zoo even more.
.-= Janelle´s last blog ..Kaskey Kids "Sports Guys" Action Figures – Review and Giveaway =-.
He must have had a late night…great pic!
.-= Michelle´s last blog ..The Mommy Files’ Blogger’s Santa Swap =-.
How neat!! We haven’t been to the zoo in almost a year… I’m thinking it’s time to go again! =)