I’m not lazy, I promise! Our wireless router decided to stop cooperating yesterday. I tried to sit at my 5-year-old’s desk to use the computer today, but it just wasn’t working out. My back didn’t appreciate it. Hubby ran over and bought a new router after work, and here I am! 🙂
About a month ago I posted a photo of a yellow butterfly, and thought that would be the last one I’d see for a while. I know monarchs usually fly south for the winter, so I was surprised to see this one fluttering around near the dunes on Avalon beach last Sunday morning. I don’t blame her (or him?). The beach was beautiful!
Gorgeous photo! Love Butterflys!
.-= Deborah´s last blog ..Welcome to FeedBurner =-.
Beautiful! I Love butterflies!!
.-= Brandy´s last blog ..Piggy Paint Review and Discount =-.
Sorry I’m just visiting now. I was wondering what happened! That’s a gorgeous photo of a butterfly.
BTW…Thanks for the WW shout out.
.-= Run DMT´s last blog ..Barenaked for the Holidays =-.