Got milk? Er… ice cream? January 20, 2010 by Mariana If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed or Email Updates. Thanks for visiting!Not sure how she gets a milk mustache from eating ice cream, but it happens every time.
Heather @ Not a DIY Life says January 20, 2010 at 10:48 am So cute!! Great shot! .-= Heather @ Not a DIY Life´s last blog ..Silly Face =-.
Run DMT says January 20, 2010 at 11:57 am Oh my goodness! That is the cutest thing ever! At least she keeps it on her face. My youngest wears it all over! Thanks for the WW link-up! You are a doll! 🙂
Ashley says January 20, 2010 at 1:48 pm hehe. One of my nephews does the same thing, but with everything he eats.
Victoria says January 21, 2010 at 12:32 pm oh wow! was this an ice cream sandwich?? cuz those are the BEST! she looks so happy 🙂
Felicia says January 21, 2010 at 9:36 pm What an adorable little mustache!! LOL! .-= Felicia´s last blog ..Giveaways Galore {1/21}! Come link up and browse. =-.
Annie @ Mama Dweeb says January 30, 2010 at 9:51 pm Oh wow, that is super cute! My daughter is in love with ice cream….I think we eat a bowl every other day or so 🙂 .-= Annie @ Mama Dweeb´s last blog ..Spotlight Saturday: Two of a Kind =-.
So cute!! Great shot!
.-= Heather @ Not a DIY Life´s last blog ..Silly Face =-.
Oh my goodness! That is the cutest thing ever! At least she keeps it on her face. My youngest wears it all over!
Thanks for the WW link-up! You are a doll! 🙂
hehe. One of my nephews does the same thing, but with everything he eats.
LOL, very cute! 🙂
Too cute!! Happy WW!
Pure enjoyment!
oh wow! was this an ice cream sandwich?? cuz those are the BEST! she looks so happy 🙂
What a cutie!
What an adorable little mustache!! LOL!
.-= Felicia´s last blog ..Giveaways Galore {1/21}! Come link up and browse. =-.
So cute!!
Love the little ice cream mustache!! Too cute!
Oh wow, that is super cute! My daughter is in love with ice cream….I think we eat a bowl every other day or so 🙂
.-= Annie @ Mama Dweeb´s last blog ..Spotlight Saturday: Two of a Kind =-.