Maura is a tiny bit obsessed with watching funny cat videos on “the YouTube.” Whether they’re boxing, chasing their tails, eating with chopsticks, playing the piano, or peeing on a toilet, she’s seen them all!
What I find hilarious is that she saves screen captures of some of these videos! I have to go through and delete them every once in a while, but I thought I’d share a few with you first.
What do your kids like to watch on YouTube?
My 6 y.o. LOVES watching on “the You Tab” theme songs from sitcoms that I used to watch as a kid…like Three’s Company, Brady Bunch, Happy Days, etc. She especially loves clips from Three’s Company.
I love these screen shots…especially the first one.
Angie K.´s last blog post ..We Like to Party Party and do other things in STL
Poor kitties.
Deborah´s last blog post ..Wordless Wednesday -With Linky
Haha, i never thought that cat can play xbox. LOL
Rexx´s last blog post ..Cats Love Story