I’m a big fan of Nature Valley products. They make these sweet & salty granola bars that are SO good. They beat chocolate ones any day, in my opinion, so when MyBlogSpark invited me to try the new Nature Valley Granola Nut Clusters, I gladly obliged. Nature Valley Granola Nut Clusters come in four flavors: […]
Archives for 2009
Disney On Ice discount
**Update: Had to close contest a few hours early, per sponsor’s request.** Winner is comment #7, Gina! Congrats! Disney On Ice presents Celebrations! is coming to Northern Virginia later this month, and thanks to Mom Central and Feld Entertainment, I’ll be taking my daughters to the show two weeks from tonight. The show will feature […]
What’s cuter than a dog wearing sunglasses?
After last week’s photo of a dog wearing sunglasses, I thought it fitting to continue the theme! 🙂 For more Wordless Wednesday, visit: 5 Minutes for Mom ~ Go Graham Go! ~ Jolly Mom ~ Look What Mom Found… ~ Mom of 3 Girls ~ Mommy’s Joy ~ Momspective ~ The Not-So-Blog Blog ~ Run […]
The Money Savvy Pig
When my daughter turned 5 a couple of weeks ago, I revisited the idea of giving her an allowance. To help me in this endeavor, Money Savvy Generation sent a cute piggy bank for my daughter to try out – the Money Savvy Pig. Money Savvy Generation is a website which helps kids learn financial […]
I feel violated. [hackers suck]
My site was hacked into last week, and it’s led to all sorts of problems. It all started on Wednesday, September 30th, when I arrived in NYC to find that my blog had been down all day because of bandwidth issues. Bandwidth is the transmission capacity of a website. I pay for a certain amount […]
Frigidaire update
Catching up on laundry after our two-week trip to Texas earlier this month was a breeze. It made me realize just how much I missed my washer and dryer while I was away. Not that I took them for granted or anything, but I think I had finally settled in and laundry started to become […]