Labeling your kids’ stuff is something you can’t avoid. (Unless you’re rich and can buy a million sippy cups and winter coats!) I find that even the most permanent of markers just doesn’t do the job. Not to mention the chore that is writing your child’s name or initials over and over, just so it […]
Archives for 2009
Family portrait?
Almost forgot it’s Wednesday! Here’s my attempt at taking a photo of myself and the girls. As you can see it didn’t work out so well…
Norman PhartEphant
Did you watch the MTV Movie Awards on Sunday? I haven’t gotten around to it, but heard it was a good show! One of the items given away there this weekend, at the celebrity gift suite, was this adorable plush elephant: Isn’t he cute? His name is Norman PhartEphant, and he’s just a little bit […]
Rita’s Italian Ice giveaway
If you read my Rita’s Italian Ice review, you know how great I think the place is. Thanks to Rita’s and the Family Review Network, I’ve got two vouchers for free gelati to give away to one reader. To enter: Make sure there’s a Rita’s near you by using the store locator. While you’re there, […]
It’s my birthday! And I’ll give away stuff if I want to
Yep. Usually I’m not really into celebrating, but there’s something different about this year. Maybe it’s because it’s the last year that I can say I’m ’20-something’… or maybe I’m just in a good place right now. Whatever it is, I’m actually happy that it’s my birthday for once! And I’ve had a great day […]
June 2nd – Weekly Roundup
So I got home this afternoon and found a box on my doorstep. Inside it was: How awesome is that!? It felt like my birthday or something… 😉 My first impression of the game? LUUURVE it. I completed Day 1 of the EA SPORTS Active 30-Day Challenge tonight, and it felt good. More details to […]