I am huge yogurt fan. I mean I love yogurt. I think I am the only person I know who registered for a yogurtmaker on our wedding registry. You can imagine my excitement to try Karoun’s Mediterranean yogurts. They are made with all natural real California milk, and contains live probiotic cultures for improved digestion. […]
Power Capes: Review
It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s an… affordable Halloween costume! I am not a Halloween person. I know that some people get a real thrill out of having the stuffing scared out of them and can’t wait to dress up and show off their creative (or not so creative) costumes. Other than the promise of […]
Enter the Smoothie
Much of parenting consists of striking a balance between two sometimes irreconcilable elements: what they want versus what you want for them. On the one hand, there are all those things little kids crave – playgrounds, freedom to scream, sugar, permanent markers. On the other are those you want for them – safety, health, vegetables, […]
How Emma Stopped the World… and more
My first-grader is an voracious reader. On a recent Sunday afternoon, she sat down to read to me two delightful books by Gene and Iris Rotberg. How Emma Stopped the World, illustrated by Macarena Vejar, is the story of a little girl named Emma who realizes that she has misplaced her beloved blanket while out […]
Wet Ones Antibacterial Wipes
I love wipes. I don’t know why, but I just do. For Christmas last year, my boss gave me an industrial size container of wipes and I loved it. No lie. Maybe it’s the thought of killing thousands of funky germs. Maybe I’m just weird. Nevertheless, I can’t get enough. So, when offered the chance […]
Play-Doh Twirl ‘N Top Pizza Shop
Happy National Play-Doh Day! If preschool had its own perfume, it might just be the smell of a freshly opened can of Play-Doh. And my kids and I agree: Play-Doh is fun on its own, but it’s even cooler when you add in an accessory or play set. This time five year-old Grace and I […]