Just landed in Texas! I feel like we were just here yesterday. As always, lots of giveaways in the blogosphere. While you’re here, be sure to enter my giveaways – a Crayola Color Wonder prize pack, Green Works laundry detergent, and a 1-800-FLOWERS.COM gift card. Do you have a giveaway to share? Link up below. Reading this […]
Avoid scams – buy your playset from a reputable company
I just found this video that I took the beautiful Spring day that we first had our Backyard Discovery playset installed. The girls ran from the living room, which faces our front yard, to see the pieces being taken off the truck… then back to our family room, which faces the backyard, and gives a perfect […]
Crayola Color Wonder – brighten your road trips!
We went on a little roadtrip this past weekend, and all I took to entertain the girls in the car was a variety of Crayola Color Wonder products. No music, no DVDs, no iPad, or even an Etch-a-Sketch. Just some snacks and their creativity! The products we tried out in the car and at the […]
Show me your badge!
This past weekend we went to Family Media Day at Busch Gardens Williamsburg and had such a good time! Here is Maura “flashing” her media pass. My little blogger-to-be! 🙂 Disclosure: We were given complimentary admission to the park, along with dinner and gift bags.
Save the date! Popsicle #SlowTheMelt Twitter Party
“Why does my Popsicle have to melt, mom?” That’s the question I hear every time I give my daughters an ice pop. I explain to the girls that water, or juice, in the case of a Popsicle, is made up of a bunch of tiny particles. When it’s cold, these particles clump together and become […]
Green Works laundry detergent
I’ve wanted to switch to a more natural, green laundry detergent for a while now, but it’s always been so expensive, and since I use it often, just hasn’t been a luxury we could afford! Until now, that is… Green Works is making it a little easier to save green, while going green! To help […]