I usually don’t discuss my husband much here, but he never rarely reads my blog so… whatever. Other than a cordial “excuse me” or “pass me a fork,” we’ve been giving each other the silent treatment for over 24 hours now. He told me on Friday that he’s hiring a lady to come “help me […]
Under the table
Been SO busy… but good busy. One of the fun things we did this past weekend was head over to Baltimore for
Me, According to My Daughter
I interviewed Maya about me yesterday. I saw this meme a few weeks back on a blog, but can’t for the life of me remember which one! I just copied it. Oops. Below are the questions, and her answers are in blue. I typed exactly what she said. It took a good half-hour (if not […]
Toddlers always seem to walk with a purpose. In this case, she was trying to get to the pool, and I was in her way. So she simply turned around and went the other way, but not without covering her tush first. She’s a little lady, after all!
It’s amazing to me how sisters can be so different. Maya (the 4-year old pictured above) has always been cautious about everything, since she was a baby. Her little sister, on the other hand, is a daredevil.
I couldn’t find a photo to fit this week’s PhotoHunt theme, so I thought I’d go out with the girls and physically hunt for one. This is what I found in my backyard: To take the hunt even further, we went to the U.S. Botanic Garden.