I interviewed Maya about me yesterday. I saw this meme a few weeks back on a blog, but can’t for the life of me remember which one! I just copied it. Oops.
Below are the questions, and her answers are in blue. I typed exactly what she said. It took a good half-hour (if not more) to go through all the questions, but it was time well-spent!
1. What is something I always say to you? Goodnight and here you go and it’s time for bed and it’s time for lunch.
2. What makes me happy? The computer.
3. What makes me sad? When you’re feeling sick.
4. How do I make you laugh? When you tickle me.
5. What do you think I was like as a child? You were a little girl like me.
6. How old am I? 100, I think.
7. How tall am I? 7 pounds.
8. What is my favorite thing to do? Type stuff on your computer.
9. What do I do when you’re not around? Watch TV and eat lunch with my sister.
10. If I become famous, what will it be for? For playing hide-and-go-seek.
11. What am I really good at? The Wii, but sometimes you’re not that good. You’re really good at Carnival games, but you’re not really good at the nother games because you keep losing. You keep trying and trying and you can’t beat it, but that’s okay.
12. What am I not really good at? I can’t tell you. But you are kinda bad at winning.
13. What is my job? Cooking for everybody and taking care of me and my sister.
14. What is my favorite food? Salad and chocolate.
15. What makes you proud of me? When you get a new game or a new pose on the Wii Fit and you try it out, I’m REALLY proud of you!
16. What makes me proud of you? When I clean my room and eat all the food I have on my plate.
I have to go pee-pee now but I’ll be back to answer more of your questions. You can just ask questions to yourself until I come back.
17. If I were a cartoon character, who would I be? Olivia, because you have the same color skin as her. Hold on, let me draw you a picture!
18. What do you and I do together? Play games, do puzzles that I don’t know how to do, and hide-and-go-seek when you’re not busy.
19. How are we the same? We have the same color skin and we both like mac & cheese, rice, lemonade, and mac & cheese.
20. How are you and I different? You have glasses and I don’t. And you have bigger ears than me. You have more hair than I do. You’re bigger than me. Your eyebrows are bigger than mine. I think that’s it.
21. How do you know that I love you? Because you gave me a Valentine. And you hug me really a lot.
22. Where is my favorite place to go? To Dad’s office, to my sister’s room to pick her up when she wakes up, to restaurants to eat something, and to the family room to watch TV.
23. What is one thing you wish you could change about me? Uh, I don’t know. I like the way you are.
24. What would I do with a million dollars? Buy stuff, like diapers for my sister, mac & cheese for dinner, and we’d go to IHOP and if we don’t finish our food we’d bring it home in a bag. And we’d go to the grocery store, too.
25. What do you wish you could go and do with me? Take a walk, go outside and play ball, play hide-and-go-seek, play with Play-Doh, go to soccer practice.
So that was the end of my questions, but apparently I wasn’t done –
“But mom, you forgot to ask me what do you help me with!!”
26. What do I help you with? You help me build puzzles, you help me make animals at clay class, you help me turn the TV on, you help me turn the TV off, and I think that’s it.
So this shows me just how big of a role technology plays in our life… and maybe we go out to eat too much, but I already knew that! I’ll ask her the same questions a year from now. It’ll be interesting to see how her opinion of me changes.
You are charming – your daughter knows that. See she drew a huge smile on your face! 🙂
Grace @ Sandier Pasturess last blog post..Turbulence Training deserves a feature on this blog
That’s so cute!!
Julies last blog post..Magic Marker Monday
That is soooooo cute!!!!
I think I may ask my daughter those questions. Soooo fun. I love the picture.
Thanks for the fabulous idea! I will definitely steal it. 😉
Amys last blog post..Wordless Wednesday
I’d steal the idea if I didn’t think it would incriminate me! Very sweet interview and nice artwork!
Mozi Esmes Mommys last blog post..Magic Marker Monday
I love all her answers, very inteligent
7 pounds, lol….that’s pretty funny!
#24 reminds me of a certain song…..lol
VERY cute post!
sheilas last blog post..Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner(’cept maybe a nun with a ruler)
Well I did these with my kids. My daughter sure knows me well. My son – taught me alot about what I need to do and change for him. Thanks!
Very cute!! This was going around FB for awhile, and I asked both of my daughters. You certainly get interesting answers!! Your daughter is quite the talker, isn’t she?
Amy Wardens last blog post..Thinking About Mother’s Day
Oh, what a character you have there! I love that she even drew you a cute little Olivia piggy snout — LOL! Being compared to Olivia is considered high praise at our house 😉
Welcome to Magic Marker Monday, Mariana — I’m so glad you joined in! (Sorry it took me so long to stop by — I’ve got a pair of sick kiddos at the moment.) Hope to see you next week too!
~Michelle @ 5MFSN
Childlifes last blog post..Friday Nights — Do We Know How To Have Fun Around Here Or What?
yup she has you down GOOD!!
hahah I was laughing the whole time—I like her responses—I MISS HER SOOO MUCH!! and the little one too 🙂
I wonder what she would say about your husband or me?!
Oh so cute! Always interesting to see what they think of everything. Totally doing this with my son this weekend.
Cate O’Malleys last blog post..Candyland Crafts
#16 is hilarious!
Reminds me of one time I was out shopping with the little one (or at least little back then). We’re about to cross the parking lot, so naturally I say to her “hold on to mommies hand honey”.
“Oh I’m a big girl, I can do it all by myself” she says.
So I say “Momma needs you to help her across the lot honey”.
She then responds “Well can’t you hold your own hand mommy?”
Gee, thanks a lot kid.
OH, this is the best!! So cute and telling and just plain fun.
Cathy´s last blog post ..The best gift I ever gave