I wrote the first entry in this blog on April 16th, 2008.
I spent most of April 16th, 2009, looking through my old posts, reflecting on what’s happened this past year, and trying to think of something profound and clever to write about, but I just couldn’t come up with anything!
What I did realize is that when I first started this blog, I meant for it to be a means to express my emotions and record my children’s milestones… and for a while it was. Like what I wrote to my baby when she turned 9 months old.
But lately I feel like what I write has been lacking in substance. So many of my thoughts disappear somewhere between my head and my keyboard, and it’s just so incredibly frustrating!
I think the culprit may be stress. We’ve been under major financial duress the past 8 months, and that has chipped away at my blogging mojo quite a bit.
But I’m happy to say that wonderful opportunities have come our way during the past month that will change what our future holds. So instead of looking back, I’d like to look forward and set some goals for myself, blog-wise.
- Get more personal.
- Post often.
- Visit and comment on other blogs on a regular basis.
- Write posts in advance.
- Promote my new meme/blog carnival Sightseeing Sunday.
I’ve so enjoyed having a little corner of the Web to call my own, and am looking forward to many, many more blogoversaries to come.
Thanks for following me on this wonderful journey!
I love this post! It’s funny how these blogs evolve. Who would have thought that I would have met so many new friends (like you!) in just a few short months?
I think your idea of slowing down and posting your thoughts is a good one. I also like that you have a review blog and a family blog. Mine started as a family blog and has morphed in to a “work in progress — doesn’t know what it wants to be when it grows up” blog. I know I need to design a blog header, start a review blog, plus think of a clear theme/purpose for blog. Lots to think about.
I’m (trying!) to relax and see where the road takes me.
Musings from Mes last blog post..My Son Is Trouble and mumble, mumble, The Washington Post Called!
Yay, happy blogoversary!
Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parentings last blog post..Making a Military House a Home with Plants
Wow! You are doing great if you only started a year ago!!
felicias last blog post..Toddler Snack Ideas!
Happy Blogiversary =)!
Happy 1st Blogiversary! I wish you all the best with your goals!
Stephanies last blog post..Sleep, My Little Baby Bird
Happy Blogiversary!!!! I actually missed my 1yr, lol it passed right on by in March and I didn’t even realize it. Oh well. Keep up the great work, it’s fun to see how our blogs evolve and what we need work on a bit more or have ‘lost’.
Ginas last blog post..Going Green with That’s Caring…