In case you can’t read my daughter’s beautiful handwriting…
Santa please bring me: 1. Globe 2. iXL games 3. Leapster games 4. Dollhouse 5. Barbie 6. Doctor’s kit 7. Tag books |
I think I’m a good girl because: 8. I like to share 9. I’m nice 10. I’m a good sister 11. I do good in school |
OMG TOO CUTE. I love it!!
That is so precious! Definitely something you’ll keep forever!
Luv it! My daughter had a similar list, but also wanted a nintendo DS. She wrote, “I just wrote DS but you know that means Nintendo DS, right Santa?”
Ann´s last blog post ..Squinkies Make Great Gifts!
Awww, I hope she gets everything on her list for being such a good girl 🙂
Dusty B´s last blog post ..Giveaway- Febreze Home Collection – 3 Winners!
What a precious letter!
That is too cute!!!!
She’s such a cutie! Love how she wrote that she likes to share, is a good sister and is good in school. Those are some of the most important things!
Happy Holidays!
Migdalia – @MsLatina´s last blog post ..Wordless Wednesday- Christmas Tree